Harmony As One - "No Elite" 12" 1989 & "White Darkness" 12" 1991

Pre Scalplock. England's answer to Straight Ahead (and I'm not just lazily saying that because of the Spirit Of Youth cover). Mildly chuggy, but mostly fast/thrash/core that gloriously wears Negative Approach on their sleeves (and another cover) as much as Tommy Carroll's beatdown bros. Name off most of the faster 80s East Coast bands, overlay blastbeats, and you've got two 12"s worth of solid shaved-head speedcore that'll get you goosestepping as much as pointing arthritic fingers at the aging youth crew.

Production on both releases is odd. The first 12" is noticeably over-bassy, especially in the deeper tones. Maybe they thought you would "feel" the thrash as much as hear it, but the effect is actually annoying on occasion. The 2nd 12" has a more "live" production as well as a mild stylistic change into something that nearly resembles earliest Crumbsuckers meets fuck-if-I-know experimentation (songs are still very short, if not very fast). I dug 'em, I still dig 'em, and I give no fucks if the bassist roadied for Skrewdriver (allegedly). 

Generic Death - 2010-2012 CDR

Upper mid-fi home produced solo noisecore-grind ('88-'90 throwback status) from Dopi/Machetazo/Bobybag. The genre is dead seriously arranged and played, though there are willfully retarded moments the style was always known for. It's like a perfect molecular fusion of Sore Throat, Seven Minutes Of Nausea, Anal Cunt (duh), and even the Xysma demo's pitched sewercore vibe...all disastrously unspooling at once. Complete discography, Dopi only gave a handful of these out as one massive mega-advance to all the releases...and then he "broke up"!

Halo - "Degree Zero Point of Implosion" CDR/LP 2000 & "Guattari (From The West Flows Grey Ash And Pestilence)" CD 2001

Cum my noisenheimers, let us smoke irradiated Swanflesh out of David's Head (which is wearing oldschool walkman headphones playing a hyper-tight Throbbing Gristle in one ear, and a death metal Fall Of Because in the other). Disassociative and dreary, uber-distorted bass and analog drums crushingly overlay unindulgent feedback fetishes and longer ambient segues (usually created with acoustical phenomena inherent to each instrument). The band was just so impressive across the board, from songcraft to production...all on the DIY downlow. That production is engineered in a manner very close to most of the aforementioned godheads, an astounding fact (F-A-C-T) considering the duo would capture nearly all of each session live...sometimes improv...with only a minimum of additional mixing/effects overdub. They were good enough for Relapse, and with most bands that are good in general, they vanished not too long after. They have more stuff, you'll hear it before we die, but this stuff's the best!

M.B. - "Inexistence" CD 2009

Disexist drone from the absolute legend, Maurizio Bianchi. Is it his best ever? No...but it's cold...heat-death of the universe cold...Michio Kaku himself freezes solid, and SHATTERS! This is the music the cosmos plays inbetween the nanoseconds of an aborted suicide. The tracks (some of which are reaaallly fucking looonnng) are somewhat interchangeable, but it's never a burden to sit through the whole thing (and once one is onboard with the theme of existence vs nonexistence, it's easier to catch the nuances of each "song" as a single chapter to the overarching narrative...or non-narrative...I dunno, this scene is Frasier shit). Before the link, PARAPHRASED KNOWLEDGE...

"Maurizio Bianchi (Born December 4th, 1955) is an Italian pioneer of Industrial music. Bianchi was inspired by the music of Tangerine Dream, Conrad Schnitzler and Throbbing Gristle. He corresponded with many of the key players in the industrial music and noise music scenes including Merzbow, SPK, Nocturnal Emissions, and Whitehouse. This exchange of letters and music lead to his first LPs being released in 1981."

Aburadako ‎– "Aburadako" '83-'84 CD (1999)

Mastered-off-the-vinyl official discography (flexi/12"/comp/live) from one of Japan's more cerebral oldcore legends. Aburadako explored the horizons of music for the sake of the zeitgeist itself, utilizing strange tempos and esoteric themes, dramatic riffage, very theatrical vocals, and warped arrangements that are the aural equivalent of a performance-art enactment (minus the narcissism). Hyper-tight, if shakily talented, they continue to remind me of Fear or Flipper's experimental tracks heavily filtered through a recurring barrage of mid-fi punk venom. Or maybe we don't try to figure them out, we just download and FEEL! 

Delta 9 - "Alpha Decay" CD 1997

Cracked the SHRINK on this for you lops! A compilation of Dave's 12" releases from various hXc-techno labels back in the day, every track is a surgically precise godhead of proto-speedcore that even caught Earache's attention. Dave's sound along with Lenny Dee's homies are what defined and partially created extreme techno, so any of the usual descriptors for the early years of that scene (belligerent humor, a particular obsession with Slayer samples, more samples of hip hop elements minced under industrialized repetition) carry a heavier weight than whatever "rave" bullshit people always assume of this form of electronic music. If you know, you're down. If you're not down, you're a bitch. S...M...H...slooowly......a biiitttccchhh!

Ethnic Acid - "Power Works 1986-1988" 2xCD (2009)

B-R-U-T-A-L industrialized Power Electronics from England. Surprisingly advanced in form and performance for it's time, the noise is amazingly structured and outright memorable upon first listen. I feel a modern equivalency to Propergol's paranoid terror attacks, even a shared abrasive tension in the "softer" sections (though Ethnic Acid doesn't keep their "songs" as tightly constrained to theme). I felt like I survived a Purge or two, with a fond reminisce of the massacre whilst twirling a cane through the nuked out landscape. The entire body of work (cassettes only, mastered superbly here) is so incredibly varied, fascinatingly and sensibly layered, so relentlessly disturbing, I'm shocked I zoned on their existence for so long! You don't need to wear a condom to annihilation yo, this shit's gonna hit you R-A-W!

Fatal Error - "The Drinking Sessions '88-'92" CD (Year?)

This discography is so old I don't even remember the year Sami Kettunen sent it to me. '97? '98? Holland's Fatal Error was a stalker level Agathocles clone, outright stealing their arrangements. There's long/short track mash-ups, stuff that resembles V.N.A. a great deal too...but even grimier in tone, underpinned by a unique and powerful gallop-blast that sounds totally fucking brutal. The packaging isn't brutal though, it's pro-pressed but the fold-out xeroxed cover is the only housing (I gotta say it's a GOOD xerox). The band was competent in general, creating something of their own with the longer crushers, and making me miss the fuck out of oldschool noisecore with the short ones. Demos/Reh/Live/you're used to the quality.

Goblin - "Sewn Together...Torn Apart" CDR Demo 2003 (Recorded 2000)

Raping-your-mind-if-you're-too-stoned-heavy, Sam Biles' "other" band got a fanboy review out of me 13 years ago, and I'm gonna do it again cuz I'm always fuckin' right. Soul grinding chug and sludge is what frighteningly backs Sam's truly fucking inhuman vocals. Like Keller on overkill or Mentally Murdered era Lee Dorrian on 33 rpm, crushing your brain's balls with judgements of contempt and rage against the puppet masters and societal zeitgeist. Coupled with what was initially extravagant home production and playing ability (BUT mastered to a 4-track, so there's tape clicks), the gory end is EXACTLY like dad belting your ass to the bone after he's psychotically screamed himself into a near heart attack over how bad you fucked up...again. THIS shit is SICK! Megatons of lengthy unmarked samples, so pre-game some Mortician if you need to get lubed up.

Whitehouse - Live In Paris 2003 FLAC

I believe I got this on a cdr-trade with the homie Guy from England (I'll eternally Goatse-stretch my brain to give all credits their due). Guy's own digital audience recording, it's clear and texturally full with NO mic movement whatsoever...though dynamics are distinctly lacking. There's no crowd chatter thank Trump, and mic placement unilaterally captures each and every perverted squirt from the duo, but "subdued" isn't a recording method that ever works in Power Electronic's favor (oh, the performance and pacing however is notable for it's precision and Machiavellian levels of control). A neat download (I think), but sonically underwhelming.

Majesty - Live 5-23-87

Just in time for Halloween! I assure everyone's subatomically calibrated electron microscopes that I have plenty of my own rips queuing up for eventual (in centuries) upload, re-upload, re-re-upload etc...but Mahler keeps offering aural heroin, and I just can't say no! This was Majesty's only show, performed as a two piece, with intense tape-swirl and all the production values of a walkman covered in mud.  FOR COMPLETISTS ONLY! It's pretty much in the same vein as the State Children demo, meaning it's unlistenable...but hey...some people out there are adamant that they can "hear the noise still"...so go forth! The Majesty art is mine, official, and is F-I-N-A-L-L-Y seeing the light of day in a CD repress (of F.O.A.D.'s LP) on Haunted Hotel records.

Agathocles - Unreleased Live '88-'90

Mahler gettin' nutso with the 'Cles! His words below (the rips were freely offered, I don't pilfer EVERYTHING)...

"1. Rare full live set here by Agathocles, when they supported S.O.B. (Jap) at Het Netwerk, Aalst, Belgium in October 1990. Soundboard recording that's been restored & remastered by myself. Two tracks from this set were used as their side of the split 7" with BLOOD (Germany) in 1991, but this is the full set. This is when they were going through a death metal/Doom phase I guess. Not much of the mince-core to be found here, but still utterly punishing & super heavy. The first 90 seconds of this set has some slight tape whirl, but gets better after that. Ripped from a 25 year old tape.

2. Recorded at the Hnita Hoeve in Heist op den Berg, Belgium, July 1988. This is an audience recording & it came out "ok" after some restoration & remastering. AG were still in their grindcore period here, so the songs were shorter & pretty much devoid of any metal. 17 tracks in 24 minutes (& that includes Jan's famous song explanations too!).

3. To celebrate Agathocles's triumphant gigs in Canada, I went through my OLD tapes of theirs to try & find something special to rip & upload. In other words "special" meaning A: It hasn't been released yet & B: it needed to be good enough quality. So I came across this live show they did in Hoogstraten, Belgium in February 1988. This is probably the best quality "very early AGx" live tape I had. So I've ripped, restored & digitally remastered it. 10 songs in just under 15 minutes. P.S. Just before the last song, the guy taping it gets his mate to fart into the tape recorder...thanks to the remastering, you can pick it up quite clearly.

4. Live in Leiden, Netherlands September 1990. 45 minutes, great sound, although they were quite clearly in their Death metal period by then. 11 tracks, restored and remastered."

Sacred Youth (MP3) & Helltripper (Wav) 2008

Skeletal cold amateur power electronics and satanic metalpunk from the deceased sovie-homie Paul. Originally "releases" on my upload label via Damaging Noise, here they are again (with extras) in memory of Paul and his earliest noise sacraments. Sacred Youth I once lazily compared to Genocide Organ, though Paul's sounds were thinner and more outright noise (mostly the effect was reminiscent because of Paul's spoken-contempt over the tracks). Some elite nerds took umbrage with the comparison and I continue to hope that THEY commit suicide. Helltripper is good, very good, though obviously lo-fi as hell and somewhat interchangeable with most bands in that scene. Mostly, I wanted to revisit Paul's more obscure visions and to share them with the world once again.

Juche - CD 2008

Mind-slaughtering Tesco compilation themed around North Korean dystopianism. The partakers are of the highest caliber, featuring Turbund Sturmwerk, Operation Cleansweep, Con-Dom, Genocide Organ, Militia, Ex.Order, Grey Wolves, and Anenzephalia...B-U-T...I have to admit, certain tracks have a rushed or outtake-y vibe. Nothing's totally texted in (the band art sections are though...pixel city), just given the comp's theme I'm not hearing anything profoundly different compared to each group's usual output. Or maybe I'm just being a petty bitch, because taken as a whole this CD is still a shamelessly classic power electronics orgy!

Machetazo - Demos @ 320

Gurgalicious goreblurr for the homie Jer-Jer (who was dyyying to experience them). These were the band's debut sounds, showcasing a surprisingly different attack (grind-noisecore) than what they came to be known for (analog as fuck neanderthal death metal). Ridiculous number of tracks per demo, charming homegrown and semi-studio production, barf-blasts of songs in microseconds, why Dopi refuses a diehard reissue is a crime against humanity in my eyes (though one demo got pressed to 10" back then)! Sent to me oldschool in a tape trade, rizipped, and BLAMMO! I have no idea how to end this other than including a shoop I did of Dali. He was Spanish too, that's how I'm connecting it.

Screaming Holocaust - Discography

Discore as fuck doss from ye golden age of U.K. thrash. E.N.T.-ish screech vokes rupture over d-beats, s(tick)-beats, and the occasional Crass-inspired rant or metalized riff. The band remains authentically obscure for reasons beyond me...given their pulverizing energy and fearlessness in experimentation, their name was one I assumed would remain ubiquitous across every crustie's tongue piercing. This is the complete known discography (full track listing in download), sent to me on CDR from guitarist Roki for authorized upload on Damaging Noise. I feel confident he wouldn't mind it being shared again! :)

Electronic Oddities - 1860 to 1970 (2004)

Fascinating radio special on experimental music's earliest argued roots. Copy of opening text below, transcript of entire text bundled with upload.

"Originally broadcast on Friday 29th October 2004 on London's Resonance 104.4fm. Please forgiven the terrible 'booming' sounds in the studio - the people next door to the radio station seemed to have been having a party that night! This show is dedicated to Jhonn Balance, who sadly departed this mortal Coil just 2 weeks after the show was broadcast. You can hear one of his tracks in the show.

Early Electronic Oddities is an exploration of the strange and subliminal sounds of early electronic musical instruments from 1860 to 1970, and many now almost obselete daring and experimental creations like the Mixtur-Trautonium, the Ondes-Martenot, the Rhythmicon, the Ondioline, the RCA synthesizer, electro-theremin and the inventions of the Italian Futurists and Raymond Scott.  Live discussions, field recordings and amazingly unearthed rare recordings presented by two theremin players, Miss Hypnotique and Bruce Woolley.  Features recorded contributions by Bob Moog and Jean-Jacques Perrey."

Part 1:
1. Radio Nottingham - the Radiophonic Workshop
2. Chorale - Antonio Russolo
3. Celestial Nocturne - Samuel Hoffman (theremin)
4. Concerto for Ondes-Martenot - Andre Jolivet featuring Jeanette Martenot
5. Various soundtracks - Paul Tanner plays Electro-theremin
6. Now in heaven you can hear the latest Fall album - Hypnotique (Rhythmicon)
7. Jean-Jacques talk about the Ondioline
8. Demonstration from Fantasy for Mixtur-Trautonium - Oscar Sala
9. Telstar - The Tornadoes (Clavioline)

Part 2:
10: Bob Moog - talks about the RCA Synthesizer (background music: the Man from Uranus)
11: Nola - Felix Arndt (RCA synthesizer)
12. Return of the Elohim Pt 1- Zorch (VSC3)
13. CoilANS - Coil (ANS synthesizer)
14. Silver apples of the moon - Morton Subotnik (Buchla Modular)
15: Bob Moog talks about Raymond Scott (music from 'Manhattan Space Research')
16: Zwi Zwi oo oo oo - Delia Derbyshire (Wobbulator)
17: Modified clarinet - Reed Ghazal (Circuit Bent instrument)
18: In a Delian Mode - Delia Derbyshire (Radiophonic Workshop)
19. Return of the Elohim Pt 2 - Zorch (VSC3)
20: Futurama (Raymond Scott advert)

Heavy Nukes - Demo 2008, 7" 2012

THIS is punk that excites me! Beyond Shitlickers (he even blatantly rips them off...multiple times...with negative fucks anti-numbering into infinity), and at other times so Mob 47 it's Mob 48. A shockingly tight dis-noise barrage that wears a wizard hat atop it's wizard hat in studious mimicry and passion. You'll thrash the pose, you'll crash the posers, you'll wish I'd ripped the 12" too since it's even more fatally catastrophic than this material.

P.S.: The demo is confusing as hell, as it seems to be completely different songs to versions that appear on the 7"...but you do get full scans of the 7".

Black Winter - Live 1987

This comes courtesy of the nigga Mahler, whose o.g. archives of live / reh tapes is one of the most mentally demolishing I've seen. His words on the project below...

"Live tape by BLACK WINTER, a totally unknown UK band, very much in the vein of AMEBIX, AXEGRINDER, (demo & 1st LP) HELLBASTARD & HELLHAMMER/CELTIC FROST. Recorded at this venue called "The Queens head", somewhere in the UK on the 25th of July 1987. Very decent live recording that has been restored & mastered too, from a 28 year old tape. 4 tracks, 27 minutes."

Slaughter Strike - "A Litany Of Vileness" Demo Tape 2010

Grinding hardcore with an early 90s grind/death backbone (those scenes were completely fused back then). I think the Utopia Banished era of grind influence actually works very well for them (the intro especially seems like such an obvious spliff-pass to that specific LP). There's even a few drips of early 90s doom tucked away in there...but mostly the tunes remind me of Citizen's Arrest at Daryl's deathliest. Production feels analog (if it's digital I don't give a fuck cuz it still kicks ass), every element is completely full and non-competing in the mix. This band nerded hard on influences right down to production styles, and that nerding payed off spectacularly. One of my earlier rips, and I still think I did a Keller-stellar job!

Septic Death - FLAC Live At The Cathey De Grande 1984

Distant sounding, yet audible. The ripper wrangled the tape hiss sufficently, but the recording lacked any power to begin with. Why people rip shows of this quality at this quality is beyond me...but we are collectors, and this is Septic Death...

Rabia - Interview, EP & Demo 1992 / 1995

Instead of my snooty 12 cents, I'll let the interview (and my o.g. ripz) do the talking. It goes without saying I zoomed the fuck in on this band when I read this issue "back in the day" (MRR #134 / July 1994). If it's not intuitive to know how to enlarge images in this trillionth millennia of the internet, you're just failing at existence.


Troubled Times Radio Interviews 1988: Unseen Terror, Rudimentary Peni, Daz Russel, Digby Pearson

Phone interviews conducted live during the Troubled Times radio show (out of Berkeley I believe). I'd like to know what happened behind the scenes to authorize the expense of these pre-internet phone calls (the logistics of massive timezone dilation occasionally interferes in some fashion too)! The interviewees speak (literally) for themselves on this. The host doesn't seem like the brightest bulb, so some of the questions bring unintentional hilarity. Quality is decent, all interviewees are audible with tolerable tape hiss (I sourced these in trades over the decades, mostly from the U.K. of course). One millennia when I can be arsed to find the tape, I'll re-rip the '88 interview with Mick Harris on the show (HYSTERICAL!).

Jet$et And Bloedbad 1981-1984

Holland's Jet$et was female fronted punky thrash that often deviated into tracks of total no-wave. They weren't untalented in each genre...but they weren't talented either. Jos/Larm was supposed to release their discography LP a few years ago, but...here we are...sitting...juuust sitting. Their half of the download is composed of various solo and split demos with not totally crude production.

Sharing one of those splits were domestic peers Bloedbad (Bloodbath), who were absolute chaos-thrash in a parallel vein to Larm. Speedy, bouncy, simple as fuck but tight, somehow nicely recorded, heavy...dude, I'd love to see Jos finance a discography for THEM!!! (I took care of that in the download too 😇 !)

Syphilitic Vaginas - 9" (wavs) 2007 & 12" 2008

The world's most seriously performed parody project. R.U.G.I.S.M worship, Venomous Frost worship, Magnus' one man band had and (outside of Bastard Priest) still has the biggest cock-ring in the metalpunk orgy pit. Production matches the feel of Yugoslavian death-thrash demos from the mid-80s (you know that is the blackest mark of trve kvlt sovnds). Clay sent me the wavs around the time of the 9"s release, the 12" is in mp3. Possessed to FUCK nigga!

In Slaughter Natives - 1988 Demo

Pounding martial-death, released at the dawn of the experimental scene's 2nd golden age (by one of modern martial's founders). It's emo as fuck and unapologetically ebm-gothy...but it also comes from the more nazi end of that scene that listens to earliest Laibach over current Laibach (repetition and experimentation are preferred to poppin' a pussy on the dance floor). More nazi = more fun. The project quickly evolved into a symphonic style that borders on a religious experience...but at light speed out the dog-track gate, this "demo" was already an impressive debut!

Otaku Party - Demos 2008 / 2009

I like this more than I should, so (re) up it goes. Spoken-vocal French noisecore that oddly reminds me of Man Is The Bastard's early freak outs (with the rarest segue into VERY short blastbeats). The arrangements and playing ability are several notches above shit-fi, and because of how those arrangements "are", I'm thinking the band was more influenced by global thrash over a strict regiment of Kyushucore (though there's nerdery afoot in their name). The result is engaging, surprisingly noteworthy, and still completely refreshing several short years on.  They never got any vinyl, what the hell?

Obihiro Street Punks Tape 1987 (320)

Authentically fun "back in the day" wizard-hat compilation tape of Japan's more obscure noisecore and "trash punk". The demo / live / rehearsal triumvirate is raped to full exploitation, though I can honestly say most recordings remain bright and legible. Unlike MCR's thousands of comps, each band retains it's own uniqueness and memorability, with my faves falling to Traicy Rose's chaotic thrash and Genocide's garage rock. Oh yeah, the complete bands are Jisatsu, Stali-nism (their most complete document thus far), Human Gas, Traicy Rose, and Genocide. For those who have psychotic episodes on the O.G.ness of ones and zeros, this rip was shit out directly from God's gaping Goatse asshole.

Obliteration - "This Is Tomorrow" 7" Master 2009

Exceptionally produced, pit-exploding "Japanese" hardcore from Bastan (their 2nd / best EP). Arrangements are kept to a semi-minimum while not being minimalist, solos scream, guitar tones are fucking demolishing (no braindrill, the "Japcore" is traditional), and the extremely hoarse vocals utilize reverb so tight they nearly feel double-tracked. This is an MP3 conversion of the master for the EP, which was "secretly" uploaded as is by the band itself. The only negative to this entire review? Members are gemini as fuck.

Chaos Channel - Interview 2007 (?)

Before Damaging Noise was a blog, it was a micro-zine/newsletter. Right when Chaos Channel got going again (which took fucking forever, even when first announced), their singer Chatter / No. 6 was temporarily more social with the fanboys online. I managed to wrangle this admittedly half-ass (on Chatter's end) interview. Language barriers aside, he could have done a LOT better (a fact depressingly accentuated by Jun Kato telling me "he doesn't even make sense in Japanese"). So yeah, I released it as a front/back one-sheet to whoever I was trading with, and I believe it made it in as a supplement to another zine or two. This is nearly 10 years old, but have at it (or not). Clicky-clicky = biggy-biggy...


Disastrous Murmur - Rehearsal '88, Live '89, 2nd Demo '91

Decent to "good" sounding rehearsal, live soundboard, and the 2nd demo from Austria's cultest death-grind legends. The band has always displayed to me a dichotic medley of incredibly simple (and simply incredible) ugly death-grind that is then augmented with surprisingly virtuoso soloing. I'm not that hot on the 2nd demo, since it wanders into Roadrunner-tech territory, but overall this is one of the very few remaining O.G. bands that embodies "timewarp" in continued style and mindset.

Painkiller - "Collected Works '91-'94" 4xCD 1997 & "50/12" CD 2005

Shakily debuting as a dramatically stripped down (and much sloppier) clone of Naked City's "hardcore" phase, Painkiller rapidly transmuted into an aural odyssey of Middle Eastern dark ambient, industrialized dub, and sludge-jazz coincidentally similar to the Swiss band 16-17. The effect/loop experimentation on the instruments (mostly a dry bass, drums, and sax) is impressive not only for it's atypicality, but for the hallucinatory depth it achieves in each session's ambiance. I don't believe there's been any document of the band's collective mindset or goals, anything Harris or Zorn have ever said of the project were terse references to generic jamming...but the strange uniqueness they concocted refuses to show any hint of age or age-induced cringe. As Mick would have called it: "Proper". P.S.: And goddamn do their layouts still impress me. Stunningly beautiful morbidity!

Korpses Katatonic - "Sensitive Liberated Autistiks" Cassette 1983

Pre Zero Kama (ritualistic industrial supposedly made with human skulls and bones...I still can't tell). Quite a variety of electronic sounds can be found on this tape. Hypnotically looping Throbbing Gristle cloned creep-drones share (or overlay) equal time with arhythmic low-bit beats. Unlike Zero Kama, it actually resembles TxGx a great deal, but seems to rely less on improvisation than the interplay of preconceived sounds (electronic OR vaguely organic). I found it to be slightly indulgent, aging noticeably worse in that regard than other projects endemic in mindset to that era of industrial (faux intellectualism, forced shock value, art students in berets et al), but it still offers some fun timewarps back into what makes that same era so continually endearing: exploring minimalism at it's maximum to trigger the pineal gland.

Death Rattle - "Noiz And Peace" CDR 2015

Professionally recorded rototom noisecharge. It's heavy as fuck, with the (still noisy) guitars having a thick body that belies the band's overall crashing approach (there's also a slight similarity to Nerveskade, at least in speed and apparent song arrangement). I really...really...dislike modern noisecore, but this is a project that impressed me enough to attempt to remember. Five anti-songs in 12 minutes (with full scans...you can thank Phil for ALL of this by scoping out his very un-hipcore label).