Dispyz - "Dangerous Techno Punk Pop Rock!!!!" CDR 2003, "Raverblood" 7" 2009, "Datarunner" 7" 2010 (320)

"Dispyz is an alias of the Amiga tracker musician, producer, and live performer Tyler St Clair. Born in the concrete suburbs of Milwaukee, he developed a radical musical chiptune style. Although a majority of his sound is based in the minimal, harder edges of early industrial music, he is known most for his unique blend of breakneck speed video-game music."

"My name is Tyler and I've been making tunes since 1995. I began writing music at the age of thirteen when I saved my paper route money to buy a Commodore 64 computer. I originally purchased it to feed my video game addiction but I quickly realized the machine's ability to create sounds like those of my favorite games. Those long afternoons spent as a latch-key kid conveniently allowed me to create songs and melodies while being able to happily shut out the world. Gone were the days of recording my NES to listen to the rhythms on the way to school! During those years I created the foundation for what became my first batch of material. My simple hobby turned into a full blown obsession several years later when I became aware of audio sampling through the use of my Amiga computers. I kept my music a secret from everyone around me until a friend of mine heard it by accident and because of his reactions I started to think about music as more than just a secret."