Atrax Morgue - "Black Box 4xCD" & "Red Box 5xCD" Discographies 2018 (320 With Scans + "Murders" Zine)

"My musical experiences began at a very young age - listening to some disgusting/exciting pop-music.
My tastes began to change at the age of 13-14, into dark, gothic, punk and new wave music. After that I became interested in experimental music because I did not find anything stimulating in the other musical styles. The first impression I had listening to experimental/industrial music was the total freedom of expression and the continuous shock and improvisation."

T.D.R. Zine Interview 1996...

Atrax Morgue was founded in 1993. What was your prime motivation to start with a project of your own?

Yes, A.M. started its activity in 1993. It's a solo project - no other people are involved because with a project like mine I believe it is best if there are not interferences from others. I started because I thought the time was ripe. I felt - and still feel - energies inside me, and I canalize those energies into Atrax Morgue. The name Atrax Morgue means nothing. Atrax (Atrax Robustus) is the name of a big dangerous spider that can be found in Australia...I'm working now to a side-project called MÖRDER MACHINE - It's more obscure, and with rythmic moments, it reflects the softer side of Atrax Morgue.

What's the general philosophy behind Atrax Morgue?

The general philosophy behind A.M. is the feticism and the love for DEATH to create the perfect contrast with the absurdity of life. I have serious problems to accept reality - and because of that I am always in contrast with the world around me and often withdraw to my aseptic-white-clean room, which is my mind. I do not feel a part of this rotten world, no. I always feel the same sensation when i'm walking on the streets among people, people are a weight and this weight make me suffer. But I'm a fighter, not a passive person, that's why I believe in the spirit, in the purity and in the conflict.

I know you like the CMI label very much. A lot of the bands on CMI have fans in the black metal scene.Do you have anything to do with the black metal music yourself?

Yes, I like very much some CMI bands. Raison d'etre, Megaptera, In Slaughter Natives, Archon Satani etc. I find CMI a very good label. I'm not interested/involved into any Black Metal music.

Is Atrax Morgue into occultism or satanism?

No, I'm not into occultism/satanism. Years ago I was interested by this matter, but not seriously.

The main themes of your music are sex, death, necrophilia, murder and perversions of all kinds. Could you describe what is that attracts you in these themes?

I am attracted by the things that disturbs me...I'm always in search of my inner fears, to catch them and to destroy them. I think that in order to destroy your fear, you must be into it. The study of human behaviour is extremely fascinating; murder is the most repulsive of all crimes, but sometimes it reveals a sort of purity. Destiny cannot be stopped - there are people driven to kill by nature, and this is part of destiny. Everyone on this earth must be what he is - murderers included. Sometimes NATURE make mistakes too. What I find interesting is that more serial-killers of the modern times seem to have very similar characteristics. The secret life into a world of obsessions, in total contrasts with normal life and reality. Every age had what it's deserve. I think the high increase of murders and sex crimes that we witness today is closely connected with the high degree of madness and stupidity of our "modern" society. Sometimes I feel the same emotions inside me - but I have control over myself and I'm not violent. But I think the most people on this planet are living by their own lies and choose the easy way. Or maybe it's only question of being different.

I have always thought Italian society to be very catholic and conservative. Have you ever had censorship problems because of the charachter or violent themes of your music?

I've not had problems with censorship here in Italy yet, One point, though, is that my releases are mostly appreciated outside Italy. 

Should we see your music as a projection of Marco Corbelli's inner demon, or rather as your personal view of the characters of modern society?

Interesting question. In the majorty of my releases there is a flux of violent attacks express through sounds: those attacks can be interpreted as the negative forces experienced inside me during these performances. Deep down everyone can feel those negative forces. If these forces remain repressed, they can be truly dangerous. The concept of my performances is creation through destruction and destruction through creation. This is the basis of all. A research into the nothing. The transmission of negative forces through sounds. There must be a balance between negative forces and positive forces. That's why I like every kind of contrasts and i find energy into them. In my performances, I also explore all the sickness and the negativism of the modern world. It's my nihilism - I believe in nothing. I do no have high hopes for humanity, on the contrary. I'd take great pleasure in seeing the destruction of all - because eventually society must be destroyed in order to built a new, more pure and more righteous society.

Atrax Morgue sounds pretty aggressive. Have you any other outlet behind your music?

Atrax Morgue absorbs all my negative forces; and my other outlets are the work regarding Slaughter Productions for the other releases and the correspondence I like the solitary travels. Sometimes I like to watch movies, read books about true crimes and forensic pathology, but basically I like to be active. My character is a bit masochist - I am obsessed by fault ; it can destroy me. The accumulation of psychic suffering turns into a side of self gratification in the process of suffering events in themselves.

Do you think man is aggressive and violent by nature?

I think there are men and men. Man is violent by nature as he is quiet by nature. The man who would kill and rape without limits is a man who is not able to examine and to control his instincts in general.

Can you understand some people may think of your music as a glorification of a violent and less democratic society? Have you ever had to deal with this kind of ethical criticism already, for instance as a reaction to your "Exterminate" tape?

I'm not into any kind of politics idea. My thoughts comes from my inner soul, and I never want to place them into politics. "Exterminate" is a simply example of my great hate for humanity - nothing more.

What your views on fascism and other totalitarian regime? Should these political issues be raised in music or not in your opinion?

I don't like to express my opinion on any kind of politics. I repeat that I believe in nothing, nothing except DEATH. She has always been and will always be my best friend. There are many groups/projects that reflects their politics ideas in their music (see Grey Wolves, Genocide Organ, Anenzephalia etc.) and some of them are really interesting and good.

Another favourite subject of yours is schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. How do your explorations of the darker territories of the human mind affect you in your day-to-day life and your own way of thinking? When and how did you get interesetd in psychiatrists?

Yes, I frequently use the exploration of mental and other diseases as a subject matter in my performances. Sometimes I find myself in a state of mental disorder too. I also still visit a psychiatrist, because last year I have been suffering from a very deep suicidal depression. All had begun with a simple (and not dangerous) physical illness that I had transformed into an horrible monster. I really lost total control over myself. The surgical treatment works as a cathartic moment of purification. I remember I spent some nights on a tree with a rope tied around my neck - thinking about certain events and the complete control over my body. Death comes in a moment. A beautiful orgasm beyond compare. I feel tenderness in everyone a disease. I don't find it hard to look at a corpse, but I'm impressed and disturbed by the real vision of a dying person or animal. My ultimate desire is to destroy once and for all my fear of physical pain. I MUST destroy all my fears.

Your tape "Catch My Agony" was inspired by H. Fleetwood's "The Order of Death". Could you tell us something more about this release?

"The Order of Death" is a novel written by Hugh Fleetwood, which has also been put on the screen by the italian director, Roberto Faenza. The movie is called COPKILLER, but the original title is "The Order of Death". I often watch this movie. It is my drug. I think it's not a movie - but a whole of circumstances. The leading actor is John Lydon (Sex Pistols/PIL) who plays a masochist/psychopath who persecute a corrupted cop. It's basically a movie centred on the theme of fault.

A common factor for nearly all your tapes is that they mainly deal with people living in isolation, marginalized by society. Do you feel outcasted too?

I sincerely hope the people who like my tapes and my performances are people like myself who feel outcasted from society. I'm opposed to any trends or fashion. As I said before, I'm also living in isolation on the outskirts of society and I only have a couple of good friends. But, I prefer to live isolated among people instead of living in an isolated place. Life in a completely isolated place can be dangerous sometimes, as it may lead to madness. 

If I'm not mistaken, your first live action was only in Dec '95, together with Lunus. How did it go off?

Yes, I had a live action in November in Modena, a city near my country. I was not together with Lunus, but alone. I had a video performances, and played sounds connected with a mix of images, I used treated images from autopsies, documents and cut ups from thriller movies. The audience's reaction was not too good - but its understandable as they were mainly gothic-punks with a lot of fake make-up on their faces.

Is there such a thing as a "death-industrial scene" in Italy?

In Italy there no longer is an "industrial scene". It is very hard to organize festivals, meetings etc. because there's not more people interested in this culture. Here, most "alternative" people is still into gothic or punk. In Germany and France on the other hand there is a growing interest into the industrial music and culture. 

Could you tell us something more about your collaboration with Lunus?

LUNUS is a friend of mine, whose performances I like very much, because they reflects something near my tastes and ideas. He also works with analogue instruments and lately his actions have grown more obscure and more rhytmic. He releases a series of tapes named V.I.T.R.I.O.L, with exclusive hand-made packages( he do also sculptures, paintings etc.). In February we also had a performance together, and the result was very satisfying for everyone.

Are there any other people you'd like to work with some day?

I have also collaborated with the new italian project called DEAD BODY LOVE, we did a split tape and we will record a collaboration togheter. I would like to support Whitehouse if they came to Italy in future, that would definitely be a very satisfying experience!

Soon we will be able to enjoy Atrax Morgue on vinyl and CD. Do you think this will be a big help for you to make your music more widespread? Does this mean you will slowly move away from the tape format from now on?

Yes, the first ATRAX MORGUE CD will be out very soon on Relapse Records, and I also will release my first ATRAX MORGUE CD "Cut My Throat" on Slaughter very soon. My motivation change from tape to CD is simple. I want to spread my thoughts in any possible direction…but I will always love tape releases and I will continue to release other A.M. releases on cassette.

Could you explain to us how you go about putting together a musical piece from a technical point of view?

My "musical" approach is very simple - like my equipment. A good analogue synth and some effects and a microphone. I never use samples. Sometimes I use some spoken parts taken from movies, etc, treated. The tracks are completely improvised and recorded directly on tape. Like a maniac raptus. If I don't like a track, I discard it.

Musical influeneces?

MB (Maurizio Bianchi), Whitehouse, B.D.N., Genocide Organ, Ramleh.

You also pay a lot of attention to the packaging of your tapes, not only those of Atrax Morgue but also those of the other bands on Slaughter productions. Is it your intention to make the music more "visual" this way or are there other motivations?

I love to make cover-sleeve artworks for tapes and everything else (CDs LPs…). Tape packaging can be really funny if you have some imagination. I like to give "life" to a cassette with more visual works and exclusive packaging. Sometimes sounds can be connected with images and that's important.

What other plans for Atrax Morgue do you have in mind already?

About future planning, there will be out a split CD with MURDER CORPORATION from Italy on the Greece label HARSH DEPT, called "Nurses". I have also recorded new material for a split cassette with RICHARD RAMIREZ on Deadline Recordings called "I Want To See Your Eyes". I will release a 7" called "DERANGED MUSIC FOR DEAD BRAINS" and maybe a CD on PURE called "Symphony For A Mass Murder". And 30 minutes for the MANIFESTO INDUSTRIALE, a tribute with 8 italian power electronic projects, out on O.E.C. If you want to enjoy the deep taste of life, you must enjoy the deep taste of DEATH.

Noiseist Newsletter Interview 1997...


Atrax Morgue was born in 1993. It is a negation. Sonic violence, direct energy and action. Cold, throbbing, obsessive and deranged. Sounds from the terminal stage. 


I like it. The colour, the taste. I like to bite my tongue and made it bleeding to taste the blood. 


It's like a devil temptation. One of my favourite movies is called "Copkiller - The Order Of Death" and in the US it was called "Corrupted". A story of masochism and corruption inside a police department. I love it. 


I never use drugs to escape reality because reality itself is a drug. Reality is fucking absurd so I'm constantly out of it. 


I like every kind of excess. Its only through the excess that an individual can excel himself. 


I'm not interested in any kind of sports. But i like to play. To play is important. Life is a game. 


= Shit. It is not for me. I'm dead and I'm not governated by anyone. 


Hate is important. I can't live without hate. It's like love. Very energetic. 


I was interested in industrial music since 1989. 


No comment. 


Interesting and fruitful work


It's like hate. Very hard to live without it. But simply you had to love yourself first, to became your own object of desire. 

M / MB

He was a great, one of my favourite artists. He made very hallucinatory, violent obsessive sounds, to describe a society in decay and every kind of negativism. 


It is what i am. I believe in nothing. Just in the moment. Death has overcome. 


Always called "the little death"; in fact an orgasm is a climax of energy. Death is always the best orgasm


Depending by what. What is perverse? And what not? For a pervert is really normal to enjoy his perversions. What is "normal"?


The nothing. That's what I'm quest. And that's what I'm inside


Some women want it. 


I like this italian food. Great especially with good tomato. 


I'm out of the media, I use television only with my videorecorder to watch some movies


Great. Men is not born only to work. To live is just a work, exhausting. 


Nothing more to do about this. But I hate disease. I want a vaccination against any disease. First against life. 


It's part of the human nature. We can't escape it. My planet is Mars. War is in me. 


If you mean pornographic films, yes, I like this genre, especially the oldest ones 75-85. They are more better that the shit of today's porn movies. 


I don't care about it. What is it? Another fuckin' place. With humans. I want to forget. 


I like this band, they made an album played with human bones, very sinister atmosphere.

Well, this is the end. I hope you're satisfied with the answers and you can use it. My new CD SLUSH OF A MANIAC is not out yet. The 7" with SARIN is delayed, probably it will be not with SARIN but with another band. A new 7" on SELF ABUSE is on the way, part of the serial killer series, it's about J.H. HUBERTY. That's for now, I hope to hear from you soon best blood.

Acephale Zine Interview 1998...

Can you presents yourself: how long have you been involved in music? What did you listen to at the beginning?

My interest in music started when I was a kid, I think 10-12 years old. The first record I bought was Soft Cell's "Non-stop Erotic Cabaret". It was 1985 and I listened basically the early new-wave, punk and goth music.

You seem obsessed by do you relate all those elements together?

I feel an high connection between sex and death. I feel connections in every contrasts and extremes: Birth-death, black-white, light-darkness, purity-sleazness , beauty-uglyness. To make sex is like to die. As you probably know Bataille called orgasm as a little death. And I think that not only to make sex is like to die. Every moment we pass we die. The past is always dead. The future is a black hole. What remains is action, living-for-the-moment.

What is your relation to death (fascination, obsession, repulsion), is death essential in your life, do you need it to continue? Do you wish to die and commit suicide. Do you wish to SUFFER?

Yes, I am really obsessed and fascinated by death. I am obsessed and fascinated by my inner fears and by what trouble me. I think that more people don't accept the the idea of death. But it's really hypocrisy, their lives are fake, they don't really known that to enjoy the deep taste of "life" is necessary to enjoy and to know the deep taste of "death". Death must just be accepted as a very natural process. Yes, She's essential in my life. It is necessary living to be dead. I consider myself dead and it's an hard labour. But sometimes it's funny. I joke the living. Everything is a game. Suicide? It's a chance, a control upon your body. Suffer? Life is a following of sufferings and excstacys. The choice is yours.

Death obsessed artists (Witkin, Nitsch, Baudelaire, Sade) often eroticise death, do you? Does it interest you to?

Yes, I always eroticise death. Death is the highest expression of sexuality/sensuality. I like very much these artists like Witkin, Nitsch, Sade and especially Georges Bataille and Hans Bellmer (that was also very good friends). They made fetish as a philosophy centred on the eternal life-death cycle, eros-thanatos. Their art is erotic, sadomasochistic, feticist and perverse. They had an hard fight against society that always condemn death and sexuality like disorder elements and charge them with taboos and prohibition. Bataille and Bellmer have decided to run a way without compromises, a stormy way, that one of the human being in his integrity without mutilations. At the basis they suppose that a man that do not try eroticism beyond the limits is alienated like the man that have not known the interior experience.

How do you create your music where does it come from (nightmare etc…?) what inspires you in life?

My music comes from the "moment" - sometimes I express my sensations through sounds and vocals. It is strictly personal about my personality and views, it doesn't come from nightmares or drugs. The subject matter in which I take inspirations are the shocking/sickening testimonials of the human condition: murder, perversions, diseases, decay and every manifestation of physical death.

What drives you to doing music? What effect do you want the listener to feel? How should people listen your music?

Energy. I feel a charge of both positive and negative energies inside me. And performing my music is like to put those energies outside me. I have no idea of what feel the listener listening to my music. I think he must be shocked, confused.

Is your music a ritual? An exorcism? A catharsis? Do you want to pervert or depress people?

Yes, I consider my music an exorcism and a catharsis. I don't want to pervert or depress anyone with my music. I just do it for myself. I don't care if it interest people. I hate all those trends in which you must do sick things and noise to like a fucking mass of trends. I'm not born to like people. What is art? In more cases it's a mess; a stupid comforting whore. Real art is to go beyond yourself. It's a climax; a product of a moment that die.

Some people say this kind of music is morbid and deranged and only for depressive kind of people. Do you agree or not?

What I can say is that in our age always more people are in search of something strong, shocking, because that's the age of depression - and that's why more consumers of this kind of music are depressed and frustrated people.

Others: this in the end of music/art, its just neurosis. Isn't art the neurosis of the world anyway?

Yes, art is like a neurosis. I'm feeling always interested in the schizophrenic, psycho's art performance. Sometimes mad people are really near the true. I have visited some asylum and it was an interesting experience.

Do you enjoy violence? How?

Well, I'm not a sadist. I don't like gratuitous violence. I'm more masochist and I like more psychological violence upon the masses. I'm a great mass-hater! If I'll be able to express my final wish it will be to destroy all humanity - and after this, to kill myself.

Are you fond of sexual crimes? Why?

I am interested in the sexual crimes and in every manifestation of pathology into sex and death. I like to study the deviant human behaviour; humans are really strange beasts…

Does all the degradation + violence + decay in the world inspire you?

Oh, yes, obviously. If I was born on a desert island with no-radio, no-tv, no humans…all must be was different.

Have you visited morgues? How was it? Do you like the smell of death? Could you accomplish necrophilia? Does the presence of cadavers in the place comfort you or make you feel uneasy?

Yes, One of my best friends (at the moment is inmate into a psychiatric hospital) is a doctor, two years ago he worked as a forensic-pathologist in an hospital. He shows me some corpses at the morgue and I never forget. I like the atmospheres inside an hospital and a morgue. Is always the same attraction-repulsion feeling. It make me think: I am still here, living, and here there's a dead. I'm happy. Happy to see the dead. The dead is dead. There's no pain. The suffering is terminated. There's rigidness. I have a happy idea of Death. What trouble me more is disease. A suffering human. Disease is more troubling than death. I am interested in necrophilia. Necrophilia is one of the most powerful expression of love. The real necrophile have a fetish for death. He can love only through death. It's pathological but reflect a real true about the connections between sex and death. It's like a murderer; in more cases, unconsciously, the murderer loves his victim, always pathological, but true, Sometimes i think that murder is the thing that join more closely two person. About myself, I don't find sexual attraction in corpses, but I'm feeling a friend of the dead. I'm feeling near the spirit of the persons that I love…I like only the (living!) barbie-dolls girls, perverse and innocence at the same time (the better!!!).

Do you like just seeing (enjoying the site of) a cadaver?

Seeing a cadaver is morbid. I like it.

Death is the major issue of religions: Are you religious? What do you think of the neo-pagans in industrial/ritual music that fallow organized groups (for instance satanists)? are you one? what do you think of satanism & Anton La Vey (some say he is a totally ridiculous, others a great man).

Religion is a joke. I believe in my own religion. I reject all that would indoctrinate you and submit your mind. It's all a game of power. Master and slave. This is religion, politics and other shits. Manipulation.

Have you ever been involved in death-magik rituals? Are you attracted or repulsed by the idea of a human sacrifice (young white virgin) could you eventually accomplish one to evacuate your obsessions?


What do you think of other grangs that evolve in the same area - the so-called "death-industrial scene"? Is there such a scene who do you appreciate?

Yeah, as I said before there's a trend now in industrial music that's why I basically like the early '80 productions because it was very genuine and 100% uncontaminated. I enjoy Whitehouse, MB, early SPK, Sutcliffe Jugend, Ramleh etc.

A big part of the heavy electronics underground scene in Germany/Belgium (Loki Foundation…) is overtly "national - revolutionaries"(ie fascist): do you think they should be told to FUCK OFF? Is there a relation death/fascism you appreciate? What are your political views?

God! I don't like any kind of politics - as I said before. It is right to take control over yourself - but I'm fucking about the others. I'm too much nihilist. I don't care about humanity. Humanity is doing just for do. So I don't care about projects that put their thoughts/ideas into politics. I like their sounds, in some cases, because are pretty aggressive - nothing more.

Politic is a game of manipulation. Do you want to be manipulated?

What about the nazist and Hitler? Hitler was a mad player - He liked to play and to manipulate. Nazi is nothing more than another manifestation of EVIL.

You seem a great fan of Cold Meat Industry - nonethless don't you think the label is dead now, seeing all the crappy goth/folk/caricatural records they produce?

I enjoyed the first Cold Meat productions, not the last except for Brighter Death Now.

Slaughter Prods: when & why did you begin? What are its goal? Why only 2 cds? Is it a big part of your life?

I started with Slaughter Prods and Atrax Morgue in 1993. I just wanted to live making what I like. I was frustrated to work for others. I have released tons of cassettes and only few cds (3 by this time), that's because I'm not too much rich and I like to live for the day.

Performance art: who are your favuorite performers? Why can you describe your live shows? You said you met Hermann Nitsch, tell us more!

I like Nitsch, Schwarzkogler (he was really a great performer, he commited suicide; I'm feeling really near him), Gina Pane, Monte Cazazza, Paul Mc Carty. Another interesting performer that I like and respect very much was Chris Burden; he made a performance called "Shoot"(1971) in which he offer himself as a target and someone shot to him with a gun on his arm, his performance was minimalistic, but had a very ritualistic pleased about risk and danger understood as outrage themes. Chris had a significance existential strategy in which the daylife find a sense only into the straight collision in the provoking dare. He said "it was like to be able to organize my destiny, or something like that, but in a controlled way. The violent aspect was not important, it was, basically, the way to express these reflections.

About ATRAX MORGUE, i had few live performances; one was interrupted cause i played inside a ballroom and people wanted to dance!! There isn't more interest in italy about this kind of music. But i'm not urge to play live with Atrax Morgue.

I met Hermann Nitsch at the art-gallery in Baggiovara, a country near my town, in 1995. He's a very interesting man. he's pure.

Future project of Atrax Morgue? collaborations?

I don't like to talk about my future. I just go to drift.

Give us all the news on Slaughter Prod!

A compilation called DEATH ODORS II is just out on cd with some interesting projects: Crepuscule, Raison d'etre, Archon Satani, Megaptera etc…My new ATRAX MORGUE CD called "Slush Of A Maniac" will be released this summer by the US label Crowd Control Activities. It is planned for the end of '97 a double MEGAPTERA CD with old remixed material. And a 6 cassette box set with 6 American and 6 Italian power electronics projects will be out in September. Title: LISTEN AND DIE!.

How do you wish to be killed?

I know I will die with a pretty smile over my lips. I hope for a soft, happy death. I know she will be softly with me. Thank you black lady! (And thank you J. for the interview)

Antibody/Deathsects Zine Interview 1998...

What was your childhood like?

I remember my childood was not very happy, I remember I felt outcasted since the age of 5-6; I had no particular traumas, but I remember that I felt very alone and outcasted.

When you are recording a song, what is in your head: the sound you are creating or the images and feelings you are getting out?

It is a particular state of mind of that moment; and it is impossible to repeat, I believe in the moment, I live for the moment, I forget the past and I never see the future. That's why my performances are always improvised. In some particular moments I feel incredibly energies and I have some visions in my mind, and just in these moments I do perform my "songs".

On your NY Ripper tape, what is the reason why you thanked rat poison?

It is a story connected to a friend of mine. He said: "I want to kill people; but I know it's not possible, I never want to get inmate in a prison." But he really had this wish to kill. I suggested him to kill rats instead of humans. He started to kill rats with rat poison, and he was very happy, at that time.

How do you handle the negative feelings that come inside you? How do you handle the stupid people around you?

I don't know. I just want to live like the way my instinct is driving me. I know I am different but I don't care, I like myself, I'm fuckin' about people; it's all a game, I'm a player, there is this strange game with me and people. When I'm in place full of people I'm feeling like a phantasm; like the one "who is here" and "who is not here"; I like this sensation, it give me strong emotions. All this hate for humanity and for the masses, I turned it into a side of masochistic psychic pleasure. I use the masses as a matter of my pleasure.

What perversions, if any, have you endulged in?

What do you mean for perversions? Perverted from what? For a pervert is just "normal" to enjoy his perversions. 

Wince you have a hate for humanity, how does it feel to be a human?

I'm feeling not a human, not another fuckin' mess.

What do you think of murder (either of humans of of animals)?

Murder is the dark side of the human mind, the evil, that people don't want to see or to accept. But it is always present. If we think about, murder and crime is necessary; it is part of the life-cycle. There is no life without death. No white without black.

What do you think of rape and brutality against women?

It's always the same story; we live in a darkest age, everyone must be a fighter and out there all can happen…rape, crime, tenderness, love, death, hope, joy etc. Women are so fragile…weak…keep your eyes open!!!!

How does death help you go on each and every day?

Death is the Master, and the Mother. I can't ignore Death. She's the most exciting bitch I ever know. I feel her.

If you are threatened by someone, what do you do?

I don't know, probably I should have a violent reaction

What form of abuse (if any) do you inflict to yourself?

My bigger form of self-abuse is psychic masochism; I like to create strange and unique circumstances.

Can you explain the feelings behind your CD "Cut my throat"

"Cut My Throat" was a very crazy act. When I recorded it, I felt very bad-minded; I was obsessed by a illness, and I was really on the edge to loose control and commit suicide. That's why I am convinced that a disease make you in state of victim, and I am terribly scared by that. Most of the people have not understand what really means this cd; it is like a voyage with no return, something you can't stop, and go beyond; There is always the same sound on the cd, but it turn round again on is own, and change directions and tones…

Will you ever kill yourself?

I am just murdered, just the body is still alive, the corpse. The mind is fucked up.

What is your worst fear?

I have fear of disease, because it can put you in a state of victim, without your choice. I am also scared by myself.

If and when you have sexual fantasies, what do they consist of?

I love sex. I like the very childish girls; the ones that like to play with me.

Since you have a few cds out, do you plan on releasing cds instead of tapes?

Yeah, in future I will release most of my material in CDs, instead of tapes.

what sort of advice can you give people who feel the same isolation and hatred that you do?

We are like trains that goes on the same parallel binary; there's nothing much to do or to suggest, just follow your instinct…

Songs From The Torture Chamber Interview 1998...

How old are you? What are you doing in your everyday life? For how long have you been ATRAX MORGUE?

I dont like to talk about my age;Just let you know that I am feeling unborn….I am doing ATRAX MORGUE since 1993.I dont have ordinary life….My life is completely sick and nothing is programmed;I just live like a living dead;My bigger enemy is boredom.

What does ATRAX MORGUE mean?

The name ATRAX MORGUE is a combination of two words: It means nothing; ATRAX comes from the name of a big dangerous spider called "ATRAX ROBUSTUS", and MORGUE is the place where the dead are.

Judging from your cd titles and song titles, you are interested in serial killers. Do you have any favorite serial killers? I am interested in Peter Sutcliffe and Jeffery Dahmer. How do you think about them?

Yes, I find the life of some serial killer and murderer really interesting; The wish to kill is hidden into everyone and only few "humans" touching this dangerous key…I am also find Jeff Dahmer and Sutcliffe interesting, especially Dahmer I think he was really obsessed by death, and I can find more common with him…Another interesting murderer was Dennis Nilsen, I think he is a great personality and he is very deep introspective man, Kurten was also great. He never stopped his nature. Everyone must do what feel inside. Murder is part of nature. Death is part of life.

I think almost all of your works are death-oriented. How do you think about "death" itself? I think it is the end and very merciful.

Death means more and more things for me. I can consider it the end or the beginning...Death is just pure, the most bigger great thing, I like death, I enjoy death...I play with her, she plays with me, we have a fun together. She is indestructible. I consider myself as a corpse, like a dead; I think it is necessary living to be dead. It is a cycle.

Do you believe in god?I do.But I dont want to share my god among others.How about you?

I agree with you.I also believe in my own god.

In your CD "CUT MY THROAT" you express your hatred toward society and mass. I agree that society destroys a lot of people. By the way when I was a university student I have a conversation with my professor about society. In that conversation I said "Maybe I have to be in society after my graduation." And he just replyed "What is society?". Hearing his reply I fully understand that so-called society is just an illusion made up by the mass. How do you think about this?

Yeah, "CUT MY THROAT" was an act, a scream of hate upon society and the masses, but it was also reflected to myself and it talks about my self-destruction cause half of my personality is really masochistic…I remember I wished to burn the CDs after releasing them; society sucks, yes, as you say most people are contaminated by society, or better, they are only stupid stereotypes that repeat themselves. Stupid sheeps. Yes, society is an illusion. Everything is an illusion….

Your CD "CUT MY THROAT" is dedicated to MAURIZIO BIANCHI and from your label "SLAUGHTER PRODUCTION" 12 cassettes-box set of MAUTHAUSEN ORCHESTRA has released. Do you have any comments on these great Italian industrial giants. Have you met them?

I enjoy very much the early works of MB. He was very twisted at the time and he did great noise soundtrack to his obsessions and visions. I have never met him but I consider him a great guy…MAUTHAUSEN ORCHESTRA also did interesting brutal works and he is a must of the early power electronics scene in Italy, like THE SODALITY and BRUNO COSSANO. I have met Pierpaolo Zoppo two times. He is really a funny guy, very twisted and pleasant.

We Japanese tend to think your motherland Italy as nice and good place. But on the contrary horror movies, noise bands from Italy are quite dark and grim. Can you explain this conceptual gap?

I don't know about this. By my side, I am always out from everything and everyplace, I just look out at the world from "MY" personal world that is very "PERSONAL" and have nothing to compare with the world outside. I like Italian horror movies, there is really much nice stuff here, like Dario Argento and Lucio Fulci. They rules!

What do you want to express with your music?

I think my sounds are purely cathartic, like an exorcism. I am constantly attracted by the things that scare me…Fear is a key. You can just use fear as a natural process to learn more about yourself.

Do you often play live?How an audience react?

I played some live show here in Italy, but there is not more interesting audience at my performances. It can be easily understanding.

Please let me know your future plans.

Some new releases by ATRAX MORGUE will be out soon this spring '98. My latest CD is called "DISCONNECTED" and will be released in a strictly limited edition of 250 copies by the Italian label SIN ORGANIZATION. Just out on the American label AVA/LIVE BAIT is the re-issue of "WOUNDFUCKER" that was released on tape in 1994 (This CD contains some extra tracks).

Thank you for your kind answer.Anything to add?

Nothing to add. Thank you for the interview.

Teofagia Zine Interview 1999...

Hi Marco, how are you?

Hi, I am sick as always, sick of myself and sick of the rest of human being

When and why was born Atrax Morgue?

ATRAX MORGUE is unborn since my birth (I'm feeling dead since before my birth); apart of this, Atrax Morgue is just a reflection of myself, my obsessions, my desires, my sickness…my world. With Atrax Morgue I exorcise myself; when I'm recording my dark zone is explored and exposed; there is my demon, there is what I will never know about myself….

Your music has a real sick ambient around, how far goes your fascination for sickness, perversion, isolation, murder…? Is your music your limit or you carry this morbid obsession to your daily life?

I was always fascinated with the macabre, sick things since I was a child…Always obsessed and scared but incredibly attracted by this kind of things. But my fascination is not a simple interest, it goes beyond, I'm feeling close in a world that is distant 100000000000 miles from the "real" world. Reality is the most horrible monster that scare me everyday. Now I live totally into my fantasies, morbid, erotic, decaying…I live in a world that I've created personally for myself, as a defense, from the real world, the real people, that I hate and that I have never to share with…Someone can understand this as an escape, like someone that take a drug to escape from reality, but my game is more intrinsic, deviated, perverse. I play with the humans…It's all a game…I like to play…I'm a player…a mad player…

What's your opinion about necrophilia? Do you see some difference between making love to the dead or fucking the dead?

I'm very interested in necrophilia; I always feel connections between sex and death; love and death etc. Like porn, I'm feeling an object-machine, a doll, a de-humanized thing…a corpse. So, porn is the overcome, like necrophilia, the overcome of the bodies, that's are objects for sexual playing and fantasies...there must be no limitations, just overcome yourself and destroy your ego. Necrophilia is also interesting because you can love without have nothing in return, just love. Pure.

You have a fuckin' ton of recordings, lots of tapes, Eps, CDs…. What's your favuorite of them all?

My favourite by this time is my last cd "Disconnected" but I think my next cd "Paranoia" will securely be the best.

ATRAX MORGUE exists since 1993, am I right? In all those years, can you see any evolutions along your releases?

Yes, the project started his aberrant activity since 1993, there's been an evolution if you listen my first productions and my last ones…but I consider all that I've done in the past, that isn't my possess ("the past don't exist") a way that has conducted me to an imperfect perfection more effective. Now, the Atrax Morgue sound is more (in)definite and more personal.

Do you like another music besides noise? Like grind, death, hardcore, black metal…some kind of extreme shit, you know?

I don't listen much noise and experimental music now, and I don't like grind, death, and hardcore…. 

I got surprised when I saw that a tape yours is inspired in Lucio Fulci's film "New York Ripper", is this great (and deceased) director an influence for you? I'm a total fan of his film "House By The Cemetery", what do you think about this movie? It would be great if Lucio came back from the dead to making the part two of this film!

The tape "New York Ripper" comes from a childish obsession...I remember that someone told me about this movies when I was a child, and I was very impressed and scared. As I said before, I was very fascinated by this kind of things and that novel should had unchain my fantasy…Some years later I saw the movie for the first time, and I was a little disappointed, that's not why the movie is a bad movie (I like Lucio Fulci, he made some great movies!) but why in the years I had imagined a "personal" New York Ripper, more morbid, sick and hallucinated.

How often do you play live shows? What can we expect from an Atrax Morgue performance?

I don't play live very much…I played here in Italy two or three times, but there are no more persons interested. I did it just for money.

About your label/mail-distro SLAUGHTER PRODUCTIONS, tell how many releases you have done and what will be your immediate plans for it. What kind of bands do you use to sign?

About Slaughter Productions, I've released more stuff on tape in the past, and now I''ve stopped to release cassettes, I will release only cds and vinyls. By this time I have released 6 compact discs and 2 vinyl LP and 1 vinyl 7".  For the future I have plans to release other cds by some new interesting death-industrial projects. Usually I release bands/projects that I like and that I find interesting and original.

Has Italy a good noise scene? Recommend some cool bands.

There are some interesting projects; but as I said I don't listen and I'm not involved very much in the scene. The only noise-experimental project that i like now is the italian N. (that i've released some tapes with my label) and also the new one: TODAY...I'm DEAD that I will release a cd soon.

Tell your opinion about: Jorg Buttgereit. Animal liberation. Religion. Cannabis Legalization. Cumming in a corpse's eye-socket.

Too much things! I'll talk only about 2: Religion - don't follow any kind of religion, sect, doctrine…just follow YOUR religion! You must create your religion, you must follow yourself, and not the others. Cumming in a corpse's eye-socket - two years ago I made a short movie, completely self-filmed, called "Cockskull Fantasy"... I was masturbating with a plastic skull, with my cock inside the was exciting...

Esoterra Zine Interview 2001...

What first attracted you to Noise?

I started to be interested in experimental music in 1990, when I was 20. I was simply bored by the standard music and I needed to explore more that goes "beyond" music. The first noise band I listened to was Whitehouse and, at first, I didn't like them. Now, Whitehouse is one of my favorite bands, as well as Nurse with Wound, The Sodality, Sigillum S, Genocide Organ, Organum, early Current 93, and Coil. I also knew about Cold Meat Industry, buying some of Roger Karmanik's first releases, like Memorandum's Aux Morts LP and Maschinenzimmer's 412 LP. I was hit very hard by the sounds of these bands, very obscure and harsh, and also by the quality of the packaging. At that time, I thought Cold Meat Industry was the label that completely satisfied my tastes. I wrote a congratulation letter to Karmanik and, since then, I have always had a good relationship with CMI. Brighter Death Now has influenced me very much, cause it's the very pure expression of darkness, pain, and death sounds. So in 1992, I recorded my first demo as Atrax Morgue, In Search of Death. I just tried to express my obsessions and desires through harsh electronic sounds and vocals. 

Why are you fascinated with death, murder, and serial killers?

I'm very obsessed with death and I think that's very clear in all of my works. My ideals and philosophy reflects that "we are constantly in a lackness"...we die and are re-born every moment. Death comes in a moment, in a moment that only faith knows. Death is the moment, the moment is death. Each breath we die, and next breath we are reborn. Each orgasm we die, and so we are reborn. Each sleep is like to die, and the awakening is to be reborn. I'm feeling always in a process, between life and death. I don't feel the passing time. The past doesn't exist, it's only an echo of noise in my mind. The future is destroyed because I live for the moment and I never see any future in front of me. My life condition is like a reflex of energy. A corpse falling into energy's power. Regarding reincarnation, yes, I believe in it, I feel the echoes of my past lives sometimes. I am interested in the pathologic and the extreme, because I think that through the extreme experience everyone can touch deepness himself. Murder is considered the most repulsive act, but it's part of nature, and nature makes the balance between good and evil, day and night. If there's light, there must be the darkness. If there's a birth, there must be a death. Serial Killers are only one of the many manifestations of evil. It's about our modern age and I think it's an interesting phenomenon. In most cases, serial killers show an attitude to sex-death fantasies, and it's just this dangerous mixture of sex and death, to become an obsession, the drive to kill. Kill to satisfy an obsession. I understand these guys. And I haven't shame to talk about it. I myself see death as a beautiful woman. Isn't that an attraction to be destroyed by the object of desire? Those who see beauty as death have seen their killing reflection in a mirror. I haven't any favorite serial killer or murderer. These creatures are only sad testimonials of the human condition. 

Have you ever murdered anyone?

If I had killed someone, I'll never talk about it to you, don't you think? With my mind I have murdered thousand of humans, and I'm sure that every person has had fantasies of murder at least one time in their lives. It is normal, I think. When I love, I give total love. When I hate, I give total hate. I have fantasies of murder when I see a beautiful woman. It's the same circle of connections between beauty and death. I have not experienced necrophilia but I find it very fascinating. In 1997, I made a short movie regarding this subject. It is called Cockskull Fantasy and it featured about fifteen minutes of masturbation with a plastic skull. The interesting thing about necrophilia is that you can love expecting nothing in return, just pure love. I think it's the highest expression of love, because it goes beyond, in any case. Like pornography, subjects are transformed into objects, in which register a cold, pathologic calligraphy. 

Why do you feel so alienated?

Alienation is just a rule for me. I have learned to survive with my alienation. But alienated by what? By people? By myself? I hate people, cause I hate myself. I despise people, cause I despise myself. I see the horror through others because I am the horror. It's all a reflection, a deformed mirror. I love people. I really love them. They are so kind, so loving. I love you all. I love myself. I am in love with myself. I am pure contradiction. The point between black and white. I believe in nothing, nothingness. I believe in the next moment. Now, passed. The next…I believe in my corpse, that is my own God. The only thing is to overcome myself, always, and make myself into a masterpiece again and again. 

Have you collaborated with any other Noise bands?

Yes, I did a collaboration with the Italian experimental Noise band Lunus, under the name Necrofilia. We did just a tape, nothing more. I also had a project with a friend of mine called Progetto Morte, in which I did the electronics and my friend the spoken words. We released two tapes. As Atrax Morgue, I have not collaborated with anyone. It is a strictly personal project. Atrax Morgue is only me, and I'm alone. 

Tell me about your Murders fanzine. 

I released three issues of Murders in 1990 [Mislabeled in download as 1993.  --S]. This self-printed magazine was the first step I did and the creation of Slaughter Productions. It was written in Italian and it featured articles about serial killers, necrophilia, extreme sex, and pathology. It also featured a review section about extreme Industrial music. 

What equipment do you use?

I use an analog synthesizer, a microphone connected with a multi-effect, tape decks and a mixer. Just that. As you can see it's really cheap equipment, but I think the most important thing you must use doing music is your mind. 

How do your family and friends feel about your music?

I don't have any sort of relationship with my family regarding my work and I don't care to explain what I do with my "music". I have good relationships with some friends, but this is always beyond my music. Atrax Morgue is simply a reflection of myself. My friends are very respectful with me about what I do. 

Are you heterosexual or homosexual?

I am sexless. I'm feeling between male and female. I am beyond sex. I am enchanted by female beauty because it's possessed with a sort of perverse power and attraction. My love for female beauty is so high that sometimes I feel like changing into a woman just to become my own object of desire. It's the other side of my nature. The metamorphosis is another little death, because I left the old skin, to become a new born creature. 

What kind of reaction did you get when you first started performing in Italy?

Not a very good reaction. I performed three times in Italy and the audience was bored and they had not a bit of an idea of what I was doing. 

What is Italian society like?

I don't know. I'm feeling not Italian and don't give a fuck about Italy. You can change any place in the world but you can't change your mind and your interior life. I've always felt outside of society, living in my closed, aseptic world. A world I've created specially for myself. I love to travel, but I'm always feeling the same sensation any place I a visitor from outer space.

Tarantula Hawk - "101% Discography -1" 2000-2002 (320)

"On July 15th, 1998, Rob Morrison and Dave Warshaw moved from Seattle and Los Angeles to San Diego. On August 1st, 1998, Braden Diotte moved to San Diego (from Los Angeles). On August 2nd, 1998, together with Dylan Scharf, a San Diego native, Tarantula Hawk was born. Over the next four months, six-songs were written chronologically from start to finish, creating a concept album that not only illustrated the lifecycle of the Tarantula Hawk wasp, but also illustrated the progression of a band getting comfortable with their own sound. On February 23rd, 1999, what would become their self-titled debut album was recorded. On March 1st, 1999, Rob Morrison left the group to raise his son back in Seattle. The remaining members were unsatisfied without the attributes of Rob’s bass and noise accompaniment, and were also not interested in trying to replace him. Instead, each member took on an auxiliary instrument and new songs (and concepts) were eventually conceived.

Over the next four years Tarantula Hawk solidified itself as a force to be reckoned with within the underground music community, performing alongside such underground heavyweights as Neurosis, Crash Worship, High On Fire, Dystopia, and The Locust. Finally, after one year of intense writing and arranging, the trio completed their second album in mid 2002. Although the record remained aesthetically congruent with their previous effort, the new recording leads the listener into a deeper chasm of interpretive and creative perception by combining the otherworldly sonic imagery of their first LP with a much more familiar element...raw human emotion. Using a darker palette, that album explored a cumulative void within the players, expressing feelings that, for them, could only be conveyed through their music. Finally exorcised of their creative, philosophical, and existential dispirits, the group disbanded soon after."

--Edited From Bio

"Must Be Musique" CD Compilation 1992

"Musique Concrète (literally 'concrete music') is an experimental genre that uses any and all sound sources for its compositions. Original sounds are recorded and then modified through mixing and effect techniques, creating 'new' sounds that often deviate (sometimes substantially) from the original source material. Samples can be derived from traditional instruments, the human voice, or the acoustics of a natural environment, but also includes sounds created with synthesizers and computer modulation. Compositions in this idiom are also not restricted to the normal rules of melody, harmony, rhythm, or metre. By the early 1950s Musique Concrète was contrasted with pure 'Elektronische Musik' (which uses electronically produced sound near exclusively), but the distinction became so blurred that the term 'Electronic Music' now covers both genres. Musique Concrète has influenced many popular musicians, including The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Frank Zappa, and Lou Reed."

Dennis Dread's Halloween Mixtapes 2009-2010

From Cosmic Hearse (extinct 2012)...

Dennis Dread has put together a thoroughly morbid mix tape for you to geek out on this Halloween. Dennis, besides having great taste in music, is also an accomplished illustrator best known for his work on recent Darkthrone albums. He also runs a great art zine called Destroying Angels. Thanks, Dennis, for taking the reins in my absence...

Arkham House ~ Into The Witch House
Not much to say about this mysteriously shrouded demo except that it was recorded in 1994, long before the term "basement black metal" had entered popular lexicon, and while it never really enters the metal realm this tape manages to cast a capable spell of macabre lo-fi eldritch atmospheres.

Exorcist ~ Black Mass
The opening track from their sole recording, Nightmare Theater, released in 1986 by Cobra Records who also delivered Piledriver to the world. Exorcist was a short-lived horror oriented project with late NWOBHM leanings formed by Dave "Dionysus" DeFeis of Virgin Steele fame.

English Dogs ~ Nosferatu
This is where I imagine many Cosmic Hearse riders will jump Good riddance. By the time these mad punx had released their second full-length LP in 1985, Forward Into Battle (with unapologetically stolen Boris cover art), they already had several releases under their bullet belts and were in the throes of a total metalmorphosis!

Attak ~ Zombies
More UK madness with the title track from Attak's only full-length LP. The lyrics could've been penned by an autistic third grader with a tube of glue shoved up his nose. But instead they were written by a grown man who probably had an Oi! pin on his jacket and a headband that matched his mustache.

Black Uniforms ~ City Of The Dead 
Sweden's favorite Splatter Punx open this little gem with a Fabio Frizzi sample before launching into the sloppy d-beat assault that made Faces of Death (1989) such a fun record. If you listen closely you can hear Metallica bleeding through the tape during the intro!

No, not the Relapse duo (spelled Zombi) but an extended homemade sample from Lucio Fulci's masterpiece, otherwise known as Zombie Flesh Eaters! Yes, I held the tape recorder up to my TV and created this just for you, Dear Listener. After all, it's Halloween.

Lebenden Toten ~ Near Dark
Uncharacteristically slow and catchy blast from my favorite Northwest crasher-crusties that takes its name from the brilliant 80's vampire re-imagining starring Lance Henriksen! Swirling psychedelic walls of distortion and abrasive death rattles that fuse the best of Antisect and Confuse.

Broken Bones ~ Dem Bones
Playful "outro" from the 1984 debut full-length. If you think this song is absurd you should see the cover art by guitarist Bones' little brother Tezz!

Screamin' Jay Hawkins ~ I Hear Voices
1962 alternate version of Mr. Hawkins' schizo love-song-turned-haunted-house-of-broken-hearts! The liner notes explain that an engineer for this recording instructed him to moan over the music so he simply enunciated the word "moan" over and over again to great effect.

The Meteors ~ Johnny Remember Me
The kings of psychobilly hit the UK charts in 1983 with this rendition of producer Joe Meek's 1961 hit, originally performed by John Leyton and The Outlaws. None of the greasy-haired impostors that followed in The Meteors' wake could touch this beautiful ghost story from their sophomore outing Wreckin' Crew.

Roky Erickson ~ Burn The Flame 
Roky is hipster pay dirt these days but here's one you don't hear often. This is his contribution to Dan O'Bannon's 1984 Return of the Living Dead soundtrack. There's nothing funny or ironic about these lyrics. Roky thinks of demons for you.

Sam Gopal ~ Season Of The Witch
Malaysian-born tabla player Sam Gopal's Donovan cover featuring sexy backup singers and a very young pre-Hawkwind/Motorhead Lemmy Kilmister on vocals and bass. This could be the soundtrack to a really good episode of Scooby Doo. Check out George Romero's weird suburban witchcraft film of the same title.

Goblin ~ Susperia 
The Italian prog-masters at their best! This is of course the title track to Dario Argento's 1977 supernatural mindfuck and the original cover art to this LP was blatantly stolen from Coven's Blood On The Snow which was released three years earlier.

Deadmask ~ No Rest For The Wicked
A relatively new duet from Spain featuring Dopi of Machetazo on all instruments and a gal named Nuria Otero on vocals. Worshipping at the altar of occult 70's rock, here they pay tribute to Sweden's Coffinshakers with this beautifully sparse ballad.

Wendy Carlos & Rachel Elkind ~ The Shining
Brooding theme to Stanley Kubrick's classic Stephen King adaptation. A disturbing descent into the madness of isolation and the insidious evil of domestic violence, partially filmed at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood.

Pino Donaggio School ~ In Flames
The only reason to rescue Donaggio's Carrie score from the discount bins is the second song on side two. This one gives Taint a run for his money for sheer malevolent vibes and oppressive textures. I like to play this track at 3am when I'm drawing alone in my basement and it never fails to make me look over my shoulder.

Aghast ~ Enter The Hall Of Ice
Aghast was Tania Stene and Andrea Haugen, both closely affiliated at the time with the emerging Norwegian Black Metal scene, and this is basically the "hit" from their 1995 LP Hexerei Im Zwielicht Der Finsternis. Dark shamanistic chants in the cold norse tradition. This is recorded from the picture disc so pardon the extra hiss in the mix.

Howard Shore ~ Welcome to Videodrome
Here's one for the bleepy-bloop electronic enthusiasts and it comes from one of my favorite David Cronenberg flicks! This actually gets more disturbing with extended exposure. Listen closely and you can hear Debbie Harry breathing through the TV screen. "Long Live The New Flesh!"

Extra Hot Sauce 
This is really just the intro sample to the EHS song Extreme Hatred but it's so damn awesome I wanted to give credit where it's due. This was my answering machine message (remember them?) years ago and it freaked my girlfriend's parents out so bad they almost had the operator interrupt the line to make sure she was ok.

The Sonics ~ Psycho 
Hailing from the wetlands of Tacoma, Washington, The Sonics are credited with forging the punk rock template way back in the 60's with their simple cord progressions, feral instrumental hijinx and antisocial lyrical content. This 1965 classic is one of the most satisfying moments in rock 'n' roll. Order a Coca-Cola at the drive-in and kill something!

The Misfits ~ Horror Business
Obvious, yes, but you didn't seriously think I would exclude the greatest horror-punk band in the world from this Halloween mix tape did you? This version of the title track of their third 7" is culled from Evil Live, a recording that ranks right up there with Unleashed In The East, Live After Death and Space Ritual. "One more fucking time you asshole and you DIE!!!!"

Hasil Adkins ~ We Got A Date
Hasil "The Haze" Adkins is the legendary One-Man-Band of West Virgina. As the story goes, his musical career began as a barefoot rugrat when he misread a Hank Williams record and figured he had to learn to play all the instruments once. Many of his primitive trailer park stomps feature him on guitar, drums, vocals, and occasionally harmonica. This little ditty, an alternate version of his single No More Hot Dogs, was probably recorded around 1965.

Black Mass ~ Lucifer ESP
There was a glut of "exciting" synthesizer records in the late 60's and early 70's. This is one of the stranger of the lot, especially when you consider that a pentagram was still pretty shocking in 1971. "This brief musical interpretation of ESP concerns telepathy in which the thoughts of two individuals, after transference from the senders, combine with each other in the mind of you the listener." So say the liner notes.

Salem Mass ~ Witch Burning
We return to the Northwest with Salem Mass, a third tier "prog rock" band that has been lost to time and dust largely due to their self-indulgent and mostly flaccid jams. Initially from Idaho, they frequently landed in Portland, Oregon throughout their career and still reside just a few hours away. This 10 minute epic is by far their best work so roll a doobie and relax knowing you don't need to ferret out their entire back catalog.

Arkham Hearse Astral Rape Procession/Wolves In The Walls
Reprise. With song titles like that, who needs a recording studio?

Gnome ~ Canis Lupus Hodophilax
A gross abuse of Robert Redford's Language and Music Of Wolves LP, this crazy manga mayhem makes Sigh sound downright pedestrian in comparison. From the 1999 split demo with Japan's equally bizarre Nyarlathotep (who would go on to produce Gallhammer).

Clara Rockmore  ~ Berceuse
Hopefully you've already heard this haunting 1977 masterpiece featuring Clara Rockmore on theremin and Nadia Reisenberg on piano but, in case you haven't, I feel compelled to expand your horizons. The perfect quivering accompaniment to a candlelit Hallow's Eve.

The Munsters Theme
Just be thankful the tape wasn't 120 minutes or you would've got the extended version with vocals. Happy Halloween!

Last Halloween I turned the reins over to Mr. Dennis Dread and he did a smashing job with a great Halloween mix tape. We decided to make it a tradition and bring him back for another potpourri of creepy cantos. For those of you who so foolishly doubt Dennis' credentials, besides having great taste in music, he is also an accomplished illustrator best known for his work on recent Darkthrone albums. He also runs a great art zine called Destroying Angels. Once again, a tip of the ol' witch hat to Mr. Dread for all that he does...

Intro ~ Alfred Hitchcock
The disembodied voice of Alfred Hitchcock presides over our All Hallows ritual. I listened to this record hundreds of times when I was a kid and the hastily painted cover art still takes me right back to wild nights with jack-o-lanterns on every porch. "Now that we're all here, we can begin..."

Phantasm Intro/Main Theme ~ Fred Myrow & Malcolm Seagrave
If you haven't spent time in a dark room with the 1979 Phantasm soundtrack coursing through the headphones like a silver sphere aimed straight at your soul, you are truly missing out on one of life's simplest pleasures.

One Step Into Oblivion ~ Blizaro
Blizaro is the brainchild of Rochester, New York doom enthusiast John Gallo. I've considered myself a fan ever since I scored the Horror Rock demo back in 2006, lured by Lucio Fulci graphics and the promise of, well, horror rock. John plays in a bunch of metal bands but Blizaro is his psych/prog project that pays homage to the great esoteric horror scores of the 70's and early 80's. This mesmerizing track comes from the Orne split 7" which was recently released in a limited pressing of 400 by Svart Records.

Mount Meru Is Tall ~ Saturnalia Temple
Perhaps you will challenge my choice to place this gateway to Saturn's Temple on a Halloween mix tape. Perhaps you will debate the appropriateness of a Saturnalian celebration in the heart of autumn. You will of course be sadly mistaken. Few hymns will clear a room of unwanted influence and open the veil to the dark forces waiting beyond as effectively as this hypnotic offering from the Stockholm trio that has restored my faith in the magic of sound and all things heavy. The gate is open...

Sister Devil ~ Sixx
I'm a relatively recent convert to Sixx since I didn't even know this band existed until I heard about the lush vinyl reissue last year. This is the Von dudes apparently after they traded in their bloody skull-crowns for ruffled silk shirts. I've never been a fan of Christian Death or bands of their shockingly pretentious ilk but this really works for me. I'm glad it's Halloween because now I can play this record loud without blushing. Bela Lugosi is dead indeed. 

Hangman ~ Deathcharge
One of Portland, Oregon's best kept secrets is also one of the city's longest running punk outfits. Deathcharge has had a revolving line-up for over a decade now but they seem to have a solid core at the moment and have been playing local shows relatively consistently in the past year. So far their few recordings haven't done their unique brand of Discharge cum Killing Joke death noise the justice it deserves but the forthcoming debut LP is very eagerly awaited. No mosh. No fun.

Recognition ~ H.P. Lovecraft
These terse H.P. Lovecraft readings by John Arthur and Mike Olsen were lovingly reassembled from out-of-print recordings and released as a limited 7" over a decade ago by someone who clearly wished to remain anonymous (let's call him "He Who Cannot Be Named", eh?) and they very quickly became as difficult to find as the original vinyl. My copy is 179 out of 300. Behold the muted terror of a doomed cosmos.

Necronomicon ~ Sacrifice
Our brothers to the north really excelled at this kind of ferocious speed metal during the 80's. No, I'm not talking about Scandinavia this time. This is CANADIAN METAL and Sacrifice was one of the most promising harbingers of the bunch. A class act with the kind of satanic lyrics that got you into trouble with teachers back in the day. Seriously. I think these dudes were still in high school when they recorded Torment in Fire which is really remarkable when you consider their complex song structures and absolutely relentless shredding.

Stirring The Cauldron ~ Whiplash
Whiplash's debut LP Power & Pain is one of the most grossly under-appreciated thrash albums of 1985 (and if you like fast pissed-off music you know 1985 wasn't a shabby year). This came out around the same time as Bonded By Blood but how often do you see kids air guitaring Spit On Your Grave? Well, actually, I see that a lot at my house but you get the point. This is the sound of three Passaic barbarians named Tony dragging Kreator through the meanstreets of New York Hard Core. Total schism.

Horrorshow/The Mansion ~ Hallows Eve
Long ago, before metal came to be personified by sensitive men with beards, heavy metal was a hooded executioner rendered in discount paints with the anatomy of Popeye the Sailor Man. Atlanta, Georgia's Hallows Eve was that hooded executioner and they delivered the fucking goods. Take this selection for instance from their debut LP, which is really two distinct songs that form a mini-cycle of sorts. They went on to score a cameo on the River's Edge soundtrack before disappearing into a fog of nihilism and madness (i.e., short hair and day jobs). 

Lycanthropy ~ G.B.H.
These collectible British Punk action figures come complete with leather, bristles, studs and acne! Of course these quintessential street urchins also ripped this chorus straight out of Lon Chaney Jr.'s quivering lips: "Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers at night can become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright!" Death Breath did a killer cover of this snotty classic but for my money nothing beats the original source. This just sounds like nothing else!

Till' The Following Night ~ Screaming Lord Sutch and The Savages
English audio pioneer Joe Meek recorded this killer debut single for the "monster in black tights" known as Screaming Lord Sutch in 1961. It was swiftly banned by the BBC. No wonder the Brits had to invent punk rock and smash the system (see above). What an incredibly uptight society. Sutch's early stage show included coffins and skulls and is widely recognized nowadays as a precursor to the horror shock antics of Alice Cooper and probably Black Widow and Death SS as well. Ritchie Blackmore was one of the original Savages and he left the fold in the late 60's to form Deep Purple!

Night of the Vampire ~ Entombed
To be perfectly honest, these dudes lost me after Clandestine but I do appreciate their noble stab at this Roky Erickson favorite. Sure, it's stilted and crunchy to a fault but I like the emotive Danzig flair on the vocals and the totally rockin' part at the end. This was a split 7" with Ohio punks the New Bomb Turks which was a weird pairing at the time. In hindsight I guess it makes sense. 

The Tell Tale Heart ~ Beyond Possession
Who knew skating and gothic literature could live together in such beautiful harmony? This is the title track from Calgary skate rockers Beyond Possession's 1985 debut 7" The Tell Tale Heart. This is sorta like Suicidal Tendencies without all the bandanas and messy circle pit stabbings. As a general rule it's not a great idea to rhyme 'house' with 'mouse' in a hardcore song unless you're Ludichrist but this particular ditty is about Edgar Allan Poe so fuck your rules, man!

Intermission ~ Vincent Price
"We have much studying to do, there are many ancient mystic texts to guide us..."

Deathknell ~ Ghost (Sweden)
The b-side of the debut 7" from these mysteriously shrouded satanic messengers from Sweden is absolutely enthralling. The clean Blue Oyster Cult influences evidenced by such bands as The Devil's Blood become even more pronounced in the capable hands of these earnest rockers. E. Danielsson of Watain has provided their stark and provocative imagery thus far. Perhaps he is himself one of the six nameless ghouls? I have no idea, but I can't wait for the full-length!

At The Sound of The Demon Bell ~ Mercyful Fate
I couldn't resist. I'm running on a bells theme here, folks.

Cloven Hoof ~ Cloven Hoof
The debut LP from these champions of NWOBHM is a galloping occult adventure of epic proportions! The cover is directly inspired by the old Coven record but they've incorporated crude stenciled flames and a serpent demon mascot that makes those Grim Reaper covers look really fancy. For fans of Pagan Altar and 'EAVY METAL only. And if you're not a fan of 'eavy metal, why are you here? "Seek not to envoke demonic entities beyond the living, unseen forces mankind can never hope to understand, in satanic pact a soul giving, unto hell, when time relents to death's command." Huh?

Halloween III Montage ~ John Carpenter & Alan Howarth
This is really loud in the mix for some reason but don't forget to wear your Silver Shamrock masks anyway.

Re-Animator ~ Rigor Mortis
Here's an obvious choice given the horror thrash leanings of this mix tape but I just love this catchy chorus that you can sing along to even when you're drunk. Which is fortuitous because when I finally saw them play a few years ago Bruce Corbitt stuck the microphone in my face while I was thrashing up front and if the lyrics were more complicated that would've been an embarrassing moment of silence. This is from their debut 1988 LP which boasts absolutely perfect cover art by a guy name Cort Johnson who did skateboard graphics back in the day. Incidentally, Mark Ryden did the fantastic cover art for their follow-up EP Freaks and he has since gone on to become a hugely successful fine artist. 

Werewolf's Life ~ Fear Itself
I don't know much about this band from Anchorage, Alaska so I'll spare you my snide commentary except to say that this 57 second blast is culled from the 1988 Attack Is Now Suicide compilation, which also features one of my favorite R.K. Sloane drawings of all time, and it's about a werewolf. The life of a werewolf is not easy.

Violence Is Golden ~ Gargoyle
What?!? You've never hear of Gargoyle from New Jersey??? Poser. Actually, in this case the correct answer is, "Who the fuck is Gargoyle from New Jersey?" These dudes only released two demos in their very brief tour of duty so unless you were lucky enough to stumble into Bleecker Bob's at precisely the right moment in 1986, chances are you're probably not familiar with their ripping thrash. Do I really need to explain why a band called Gargoyle deserves to be on a Halloween mix tape?

Sendero Siniestro ~ Anal Vomit
"Bestial" is a dumb adjective that gets passed around like chlamydia by message board lurkers these days. But when you really think about it, how many of these frowners are truly bestial? Peru's Anal Vomit is the real deal, as proven by this raging invocation from their 2004 Demoniac Flagellations LP. Misleading name aside, their songs of satan, pussy and death are delivered with such psychotic devotion that they make their underground counterparts sound like doughy pacifists in comparison. They're even willing to let it all hang out on their albums and that's pretty bestial (i.e., "of or relating to beasts; resembling a beast; lacking intelligence or reason; marked by base or inhuman instincts or desires").

Twisted Darkness ~ Yellow Cross
I don't want to be accused of ignorantly wallowing in nostalgia so here's a track by Olympia, Washington's very promising Yellow Cross from their 2009 demo. It sounds like Blue Cheer hanging out with Paul Chain at a pizza shop. Black Virgin part II is the real gem on this demo but it was too long for our purposes and I really couldn't justify it on a Halloween mix tape. But twisted darkness? That's spooky.

They're Creeping Up On You ~ Engorged
I love this little gem from the Engorged/Gruesome Stuff Relish split. This was originally intended to be a 7" but the Engorged dudes wisely included 4 minutes worth of Creepshow samples so it became a 12" 45 (which worked out well for my crude cover art). This isn't necessarily characteristic of the Engorged sound but it definitely conveys their essential underground ethos and approach. Hopefully these guys will return from Yuggoth soon and finally finish recording the House of Cthulhu LP. Ahem. Guys?

Necronomicon ~ Les Dexter
My favorite track from one of the greatest cinematic scores of all time. The Dunwich Horror is actually a pretty dull flick but we can all learn a thing or two about dynamics from a laid-back cool cat like Les Dexter. Just listen to how these exotic sounds swagger & boom like an ethereal procession sent straight from R'lyeh with all the time in the world to fuck you up. THE STARS ARE RIGHT!

Mineshaft Chase ~ Fred Myrow & Malcolm Seagrave
Phantasm reprise.

Der Henker Von Dartmoore ~ The Vampires of Dartmoore
The Vampires of Dartmoore was an imaginary West German pop group providing the soundtrack to an imaginary Euro-trash horror flick circa 1969. Metronome and Mercury Records basically wrangled together these session jazz musicians in an attempt to cash in on the popularity of adult-oriented monster novelty records and they produced two LP's, Psychedelic Dance Party and Dracula's Music Cabinet. Exploitation director Jess Franco actually discovered this LP and licensed it to score one of his 70's tits 'n' terror romps. The rest is history. Very confusing history. Recently repressed on gatefold vinyl by Finders Keepers. 

Outro ~ Alfred Hitchcock
"This concludes our danse macabre..." Happy Halloween.