Radio Pyongyang CD 2005 VS Power Electronics Against Communism 1-3 Tape/CD 2016-2019 (320)


"Schmaltzy synthpop, revolutionary rock, cheeky child rap, and a healthy dose of hagiography for Dear Leader Kim Jong-il. This is the 'now now' sound of North Korea! A hermit kingdom with a rich folk history and an even richer tradition in over-the-top praise for the ruling House of Kim, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea remains a diplomatic thorn and a culture never neverland. Boasting a heady mix of Stalin opera, Tokyo karaoke and brooding impressionism, the sound of present-day Pyongyang distills into warped agit-pop and lost-in-time commie funk

More than 10 years ago, sitting in my Hong Kong flat, I used to tune regularly to the Radio Pyongyang short-wave broadcasts, mostly hoping for a good laugh at the propaganda, but also to revisit some of the bizarre pop music 1 had heard while on a short visit to the North. Sometimes falling asleep to the radio, I would be woken by an eerie, detached female voice reading endless lists of Korean numbers. The sound was equal parts haunting and fascinating and I soon found other late-night stations broadcasting similar lists in Korean, English and Chinese. A few inquiries to clued-in friends and I learned these 'numbers stations' could be heard in various languages across the globe, transmitting coded messages to foreign spies.

An excited eavesdropper on a secret game, I recorded hours of the hypnotic North Korean number lists. Also caught on tape, and later mini-disc, was a large collection of DPRK pop and revolutionary pomp. Sadly, most of the recordings went missing during a relocation in suburban Beijing. But the recent discovery of a single cassette sparked an effort to compile an updated version of those "classic" intercepts.
This then is my own personal Radio Pyongyang, constructed using that lone remaining archive tape and spiced with live recordinas from various performances in North Korea. Also in the mix are sounds lifted from People's Army television dramas, captures from 'Mass Games' demonstrations, samples from hard-to-find CD releases obtained in the North and, of course, news reports from the 'real' Radio Pyongyang, which continues to broadcast to this day. Albeit under the new, strikingly anodyne moniker 'Voice Of Korea'."

--Christian Virant July 2005

Pulentor - 1989 Demo

The Latin Shit Scum and/or Psycho Sin. I think the drums are real...enough.

V.D.S. - Rehearsal 8-10-89

Fear Of God covering Anal Cunt covering 7 Minutes Of Nausea with Minch's drum
kit, and a single cheap stereo for a shared amp (bass, guitar, vocals, all at once) and
simultaneous recording device (I'm assuming through the built-in mic)...

Disgust (Japan) - "No Air Head" Demo 1987

So What's next door neighbor who's always pumping engine blocks in his garage in between pounding
shots of Wild Turkey while flipping over speed metal tapes from a heavily scuffed boombox with raggedly
rewired detachable speakers. FUCKIN' rules!!!

Disgorge - "Big Trouble Bachten De Kupe" Tape 1986

Less confident, less distorted, not-so-fast first demo of Belgian hardcore...

...that I forgot to bundle with the 2nd demo (more confident, much more distorted, very fast) here:

Trauma - Cliff Burton Demos '82

"TRAUMA are a US Heavy Metal band originally formed in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1980. After some initial teething problems with personnel recruitment, the group's first stable line-up featured Michael Overton on guitar, George 'Tiger' Lady on guitar, Dennis Shafer on drums, Cliff Burton on bass, and Donny Hillier on vocals. The band's music was compared to the likes of IRON MAIDEN and MONTROSE 'with faster tempos'. Trauma quickly became well known throughout the Bay Area and beyond, playing legendary venues like The Stone, Whisky A Go Go, and The Troubadour and recording demo tapes to try & attract label interest. In late '82 Cliff Burton departed Trauma to join METALLICA, who promptly relocated from Los Angeles to SF."

S.O.B. - "Leave Me Alone" 7" 1986 & "Don't Be Swindle" LP 1987 CD Comp Version 1990 (320)

Historical, foundational, fundamental (especially to early Napalm Death),
but their own greatest muse was.........DEAD KENNEDYS???!!!???!!!

(Swankys and Death Side pull that shit too)...

"S.O.B. is an abbreviation for 'Sabotage Organized Barbarian', but is rarely called by this name. The band was founded by TOTTSUAN, and at the time of formation, they were thinking of a band name with abbreviations arranged in alphabetical order. Originally the name S.O.B. was taken from the slang which means 'Son Of a Bitch'. However, they chose the abbreviation for 'Sabotage Organized Barbarian', because it would not be interesting if it was left as it was. The title of the 1st demo tape released is 'Sabotage Organized Barbarian'. Bandleader TOTTSUAN was SKINHEAD before S.O.B. was formed, and in its very early days it was a band inspired by US/UK hardcore punk that wasn't very fast. The demo before the omnibus 'LAST PUNK OSAKA' was more orthodox than the songs included on that omnibus, and had a reasonable speed. Since the original member TUNK officially joined 'OUTO', TOTTSUAN decided to fix the members and re-select all parts considering the evolution of the sound. He'd been keeping an eye on TOSHIMI from 'THE BONES' who disbanded in Kyoto a while ago, YASUE who was also doing 'SELTIC FROST' in Kyoto, and the skateboard shop 'VIOLENT GRIND' Osaka store he called out to NAOTO, who was active in 'BRUTUS', and established a new system. The 1st 7" EP 'LEAVE ME ALONE' in this lineup made S.O.B. famous. YASUE was working on 'SELTIC FROST' at the time, which had a fairly fast drum rhythm, so the acceleration of the overall sound was remarkable. The actual playing at the gig was also much faster than the initial line-up. Even after joining S.O.B., YASUE searched for members and continued with 'SELTIC FROST', but after a while he stopped his activities in order to concentrate on S.O.B.

The musical match with skateboarding is also good, and as a representative of Osaka hardcore it has become a presence that stands shoulder to shoulder with OUTO. In 1987 TOTTSUAN found SOB's name on the THANX list of the 1st LP of NAPALM DEATH, and began to interact with LEE DORIAN, who was the vocalist at the time. A European tour including Japan and the UK is realized. Contact with bands belonging to EARACHE RECORDS also increased. At the same time, NAOTO left the group to form 'RISE FROM THE DEAD'. KAWATAKA from 'DANCE MACABRA' joins. At that time, the direction of TOTTSUAN and YASUE matched in death metal, and the sound changed from speed to heavy. However TOTTSUAN died in 1995 by jumping into a train and committing suicide. By the way, as for the reason for his suicide, one of the leading theories is that when TOTTSUAN was caught by the police with drugs, he yielded to the police interrogation and revealed the route of acquisition and the name of the purchaser to the police, causing trouble to many acquaintances. In addition, it is said that he was mentally overwhelmed by the suggestion of retaliation from an organization that deals with drugs. In addition, it is said that he was completely addicted to drugs due to chronic drug intake, but after being caught by the police, it became difficult to obtain drugs, and he fell into a severe depression due to withdrawal symptoms. His drug addiction is said to have been primarily cocaine. The group was threatened with dissolution, but YASUE took over as the leader and early bassist NAOTO rejoined. 'DUB GRIND', which was also welcomed by KATSUMI, a former member of OUTO, has a sound that is divided by two by adding the early S.O.B. and the late RISE FROM THE DEAD. The evaluation was divided. Although it was for a short time, a synthesizer member also joined for a while."  --Edited From Japanese Wiki


Death Of God(s) - 1986-1989 (320)

"D.O.G., a.k.a. DEATH OF GOD(S), were from Ontario Canada. This 62 track collection contains
their 21 song demo from '86, followed by their '85 demo, rehearsals, and some live stuff (last 20 tracks
is an almost complete gig). Some of these songs were later used in another band called 'M.S.I.'/'MORE STUPID INITIALS'."  --Edited from Old Fast & Loud / Toronto Thrash /

Contrast Attitude - 1999 Demo & "Sick Brain..." 7" 2003 (FLAC/320)

Adonises of disnoise at their most youthful and glorious
("Sick Brain..." is especially transfixing). Prettttttyyyyyy...

The Winkers - Demo '90/'91 (FLAC)

The very first of Swankys clones? (garage rock style, but a lil'
more subdued than Swankys). Beautifully Twilight Zoney...

Inject Brain - Demo (Year? FLAC)

Vibes šŸ„³ like Unseen Terror's blastless hardcore trax. As golden as a firestorm...

Traicy Rose - "1st Tape" Demo 1987 (FLAC)

3+ minutes of Confuse covering S.O.B. (or vice versa). Even awesomer would be if they didn't
forget to record one of the listed songs. Better documented on the Obihiro Street Punks tape...

XX Committee - Discography: "Steel Negro Music" Tape 1982 & "Network" LP 1983 (Tape/Vinyl Rips, Not Reissues)

"The Twenty Committee* was my project with Chris Scarpino, it ran from 1981-1985. 'Network' was our first LP release. It was the second XX Committee release following a cassette, 'Steel Negro Music'. Our idea was a simple one, we wanted to strip industrial music of all of its 'rock' moves and create a music that sounded like idealized heavy industrial machinery. We thought the repetition of our music, as well as the sound, was a radical critique of the exploitive nature of work under consumer-capitalism. We wanted to make machine-like anthems of negativity, but like the sound of heavy machinery, with a stark and powerful beauty." --Scott Foust

*The Double-Cross System, or XX System, was a British World War II counter-espionage operation.