Shockingly, a western-noisecore band I not only liked, but bothered to keep! They have that generically "epic" (but simplified) Framtid energy with a "Monarchy Zoo" era Doom speed/song arrangement. I think ENT's Phonophobia may have been a fave record of theirs. Guitars aren't irritating and seem to have a shape to them. This sounds like a well recorded 4-track (room ambiance is great too), but some power (and bass guitar) is lost. I wish they could've gotten more material out. I received this tape in a trade, lack of any info on the cover and all (I don't think the spine is the title, more a proclamation). 6 nameless songs in 10 minutes, and they're all...memorable! I want to say I got this 2008-ish and would place the band in that same timeframe (I somehow never emailed them, and would feel retarded as fuck to attempt it now). As terrible as this sounds, I really love their name!