I...have no fucking idea what I ripped. I thought this was material from the Grecian Vomit (straight thrash metal with a coincidental form of cheesy songcraft usually attributed to Japanese heshers), but there doesn't seem to be any documentation
anywhere for these specific jams. I did receive the tape from Greece, and there's a similarity between these sessions and the canon recordings, but I'm still open to being schooled if I'm conflating two completely different bands.
Gaffled trivia: "Formed in 1985, Vomit were strongly influenced by Voivod
[not really, but the logo homage is dope!] and Celtic Frost. Members later split into Varathron and Necromantia. The vocalist went on to form the grindcore band Sound Pollution, who did a split 7" with Rotting Christ (who were also a grindcore band at the time)."