Hardcore Milano - "Like A Train In Your Brain" 12" 2001

Fuck all y'all! Yer gonna listen to some speedcore, and yer gonna LIKE IT! This sick wop drops beats like Siege on yer mom's ass cheex (yer moms is a slutbag who L-O-V-E-S it!). You will not avert your eyes when I now and forever into the future utter the words "hardcore-techno". This isn't the hippy-rave kind...it's not the video game kind...it's closest relative is (and oddly remains) industrial. Amusical yet utterly rhythmic, It's very fuckin' fast, and very fuckin' loud and still (mostly) written in bedroom studios. No one seems to get this. But whatever, let's get your ordeal over with...

For the softcore fags and those vaguely familiar with this "other" hardcore, you get plenty of speed metal guitar samples, rudimentary distorted synths, and P-U-N-I-S-H-I-N-G low-tuned and enveloping distorted kicks...claps...samples...it's ALL distorted. But mostly...it's fuckin' F-A-S-T, a heart-stopping barrage of punishment. I admit SOME samples hover close to Tidebox-Backpack sorts of things, but...I got nothin', you either deal or you don't (I don't just deal, I embrace!). This record was a throwback even when it was released 15 years ago, evoking hXc's sound from many years before THEN (I'm old, I was there for it...by the way, hXc got even faster and more vicious and actually STUNNING in production values, you'll get plenty more posts of all it's eras in time). There's the link yo, see how it sparkles...just...for...you?