Well Fuckin' A yo, if this doesn't rock your balls off...that's okay, normal people don't care. First wave proto death-thrash that is incredibly (i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-y) neanderthalic in composition, yet performed with surprising professionalism. If Venom was simpler and heavier (and faster) is probably the cheapest descriptor. Terrorizer named themselves after one of Master's tracks (and sped up Master's own style of riffs). I'm enticing niggaz here. Master had a deeeeeep influence in the underground, with their style (and occasional guitar & bass tones) payed noticeable homage by bands such as Disharmonic Orchestra, Defecation, and even Napalm Death.
As for the tapes: Sound across each recording is tolerable, with trebly definition (and tape hiss) on the higher end. I don't think this is a ripper's error, just a nuance of very old cassette tapes. This is ubiquitous, even for the cleanly recorded "The Final Word" demo, which the title track is just...it's just sick as hell nigga, sick as hell. Pic (and tape/s) isn't mine, I don't front!