T-O-R-T-U-O-U-S Suomi noisecore-thrash from just a few years back. Sometimes it's early Disorder with Sakevi screech-singing, other times it's industrialized sludge. Sometimes it ultra-skanks, ultra d-beats, ultra whatever the fuck it wants to do (all with Sakevi screech-singing). It doesn't come off as sloppily composed OR performed, the short correspondence I had with Terska (this was a one man band) verified that he was exploring "sameness in diversity" or some other mentally masturbatory thing. Trax are pleasingly simple with distortions laying in the fuzzier camp. It's amateurishly produced, but well home-recorded (all digitally, but it has a crazy oversaturated-tape edge. I think it sounds great!). Oh yeah, I did a bullshit download-label in Damaging Noise days, so I re-released two of his demos (authorized). I included that cover only for completism (and pride). Great, GREAT stuff. What happened?