Killed By Seanocide & Killed By Fuckin' Japcore CDRs 2006

Roughly a decade ago I compiled a couple of CDR comps to give out to friends or whoever wanted free shit at shows. I snail-mailed a few copies as well as uploaded them (of course) several times over the years. I put in 3/4s of an ass in choosing the bands and presenting the tracks in a "flow" that appealed to me (and possibly you). Long story short, they were just glorified mixtapes. I never sold any copies (Jun Kato may have) and I never presented them as serious releases...but still they wormed their way onto Discogs and Youtube, and STILL needlessly contrarian people took them way too seriously. If you like ebaycore...and aren't a bitch about it...or "rarities" new and old, OR have a mild curiosity in the forms of music I used to incessantly spin all day long, there's the download link you ungrateful piles of shit...