Korpses Katatonic - "Sensitive Liberated Autistiks" Cassette 1983

Pre Zero Kama (ritualistic industrial supposedly made with human skulls and bones...I still can't tell). Quite a variety of electronic sounds can be found on this tape. Hypnotically looping Throbbing Gristle cloned creep-drones share (or overlay) equal time with arhythmic low-bit beats. Unlike Zero Kama, it actually resembles TxGx a great deal, but seems to rely less on improvisation than the interplay of preconceived sounds (electronic OR vaguely organic). I found it to be slightly indulgent, aging noticeably worse in that regard than other projects endemic in mindset to that era of industrial (faux intellectualism, forced shock value, art students in berets et al), but it still offers some fun timewarps back into what makes that same era so continually endearing: exploring minimalism at it's maximum to trigger the pineal gland.