Just in time for Halloween! I assure everyone's subatomically calibrated electron microscopes that I have plenty of my own rips queuing up for eventual (in centuries) upload, re-upload, re-re-upload etc...but Mahler keeps offering aural heroin, and I just can't say no! This was Majesty's only show, performed as a two piece, with intense tape-swirl and all the production values of a walkman covered in mud. FOR COMPLETISTS ONLY! It's pretty much in the same vein as the State Children demo, meaning it's unlistenable...but hey...some people out there are adamant that they can "hear the noise still"...so go forth! The Majesty art is mine, official, and is F-I-N-A-L-L-Y seeing the light of day in a CD repress (of F.O.A.D.'s LP) on Haunted Hotel records.