B-R-U-T-A-L industrialized Power Electronics from England. Surprisingly advanced in form and performance for it's time, the noise is amazingly structured and outright memorable upon first listen. I feel a modern equivalency to Propergol's paranoid terror attacks, even a shared abrasive tension in the "softer" sections (though Ethnic Acid doesn't keep their "songs" as tightly constrained to theme). I felt like I survived a Purge or two, with a fond reminisce of the massacre whilst twirling a cane through the nuked out landscape. The entire body of work (cassettes only, mastered superbly here) is so incredibly varied, fascinatingly and sensibly layered, so relentlessly disturbing, I'm shocked I zoned on their existence for so long! You don't need to wear a condom to annihilation yo, this shit's gonna hit you R-A-W!