Raping-your-mind-if-you're-too-stoned-heavy, Sam Biles' "other" band got a fanboy review out of me 13 years ago, and I'm gonna do it again cuz I'm always fuckin' right. Soul grinding chug and sludge is what frighteningly backs Sam's truly fucking inhuman vocals. Like Keller on overkill or Mentally Murdered era Lee Dorrian on 33 rpm, crushing your brain's balls with judgements of contempt and rage against the puppet masters and societal zeitgeist. Coupled with what was initially extravagant home production and playing ability (BUT mastered to a 4-track, so there's tape clicks), the gory end is EXACTLY like dad belting your ass to the bone after he's psychotically screamed himself into a near heart attack over how bad you fucked up...again. THIS shit is SICK! Megatons of lengthy unmarked samples, so pre-game some Mortician if you need to get lubed up.