Cum my noisenheimers, let us smoke irradiated Swanflesh out of David's Head (which is wearing oldschool walkman headphones playing a hyper-tight Throbbing Gristle in one ear, and a death metal Fall Of Because in the other). Disassociative and dreary, uber-distorted bass and analog drums crushingly overlay unindulgent feedback fetishes and longer ambient segues (usually created with acoustical phenomena inherent to each instrument). The band was just so impressive across the board, from songcraft to production...all on the DIY downlow. That production is engineered in a manner very close to most of the aforementioned godheads, an astounding fact (F-A-C-T) considering the duo would capture nearly all of each session live...sometimes improv...with only a minimum of additional mixing/effects overdub. They were good enough for Relapse, and with most bands that are good in general, they vanished not too long after. They have more stuff, you'll hear it before we die, but
this stuff's the best!