Godheads, but lone wolves in a scene that (at the time) was obsessed with outdoing itself in adrenalized craziness. What made their doom so memorable was that it was composed as heavily rhythm based death metal...chuuurrrned sloooooow. There's no lingering on the same two notes for 30 minutes, things go places in the band's songs (at their own shambling pace), and those places are black, freezing, interdimensional, maybe a little steamgoth, and sanity-erasing. The debut LP has remained the classic we young heshers predicted it would be (extraordinary organic production too), "In Dub" was a remix 12" from the LP's session, the demos were very close in sound and style to the LP, and the Holland gig is a nicely gravelly soundboard recording I'm paying forward from the very sadly missed Panzerbadger blog.