MORBID TALES: Deathcore demigod DJ Tron dies. Drugs? Suicide? No one knows, though the family spokesperson was conspiratorial about shutting up any and all of our questions. Just a month or two later, this 12", my fave release by Tron, shows up on discogs for mere kilobytes (I'd never owned a physical copy before, relying for years on a tape dub). SO! The seller is brand new and has zero feedback, but I take a chance anyway...and receive the package completely drama free. Curiously, the sender's last name and address synced up as a potential relative of Tron. I didn't have much time to ponder this coincidence when the seller abruptly emails me, mentions that he's Tron's DAD, and that he had great concern if the package arrived safely...AS IT WAS TRON'S PERSONAL DJ COPY. Apparently the family was liquidating Tron's collection to help offset his funeral costs. I immediately responded with condolences, shock at the nature of the contact, and blubbered on a bit how much respect I had for his son's body of work. He never wrote back.
That's the story, and I'm stickin' to it till my grave.
[TL;DR: Arguably "basic" hard terror shockwaves with a diamond-breaking boner for satanism, insanity, and D-E-A-T-H!!!]