Not quite the first (Youth Korps?), not quite the fastest (Asocial?), but definitely the most successful at blenderizing musical abstraction into it's purest extremes. The band was surprisingly methodical in constructing their style, and equally as cerebral in calibrating each song not just for theatrical impact, but lasting philosophical impression. Assuredly composing in what they thought was a hardcore-punk framework, they still "felt" noise differently than their peers, and ended up accidentally launching or co-inspiring entire genres of deconstructionist tunes (chiefly grindcore and power violence). It can't be more emphatically stated:
Siege are fucking GODS!!! Rips taken from the official remastered 30th Anniversary re-re-re-re-re-release CD that came out in 2015, and the live set I re-eq'd from one of my oldest (22 years) surviving trade-tapes. The interview is from the U.K.'s "Over The Rainbow" 'zine (issue one, 1985)......and the art? Official, and mine! 😊