Skeleton / Loutish / Archagathus - Demos & Advances 2004-2005

Deftly recorded homage-core from the mellow tundras of Canada. The emulation is extreme, cloning the room dynamics of their favorite records as accurately as the riffs...with Loutish being so Mob 47 they shit Ake's leather (on Krigshot's face), Skeleton is a gloomier Crude SS, and Archagathus have never stopped playing rambunctious Robin to Agathocles' brooding Batman. Projects of the Ryckman brothers, I traded them for this CDR because I was too lazy to buy (just to rip) the cassette versions that Hardcore Holocaust were distributing. The boys were hella cool with my request, included the actual printed covers, and even "tacked on" a surprisingly sizable amount of advance material from Skeleton. Anyway, this is still some of the better D-Blast of the past decade, so if you like to cum, then fondle that link...