Donald Farmer and Rick Sullivan were grindhouse zinesters who...partially fueled by an unfriendly rivalry...achieved respectable footnote status in the annals of horror and sleaze fandom. I never got ahold of their rags back then, only becoming aware of their existence through articles in either Deep Red (who vicariously introduced me to Repulsion in a printed letter from Johnathan Canady) or Gore Zone. The Great Equalizer that is the internet rectified that of course, so here we are! This upload is highly abbreviated, I've only ever been able to find the same 10 scans out of 110 issues of Gore Gazette, while The Splatter Times is mostly complete, minus issue 6. The dysphemistic Sullivan died in 2017, while Farmer has steadily built a sizable oeuvre of his own z-trash blasphemies since 1987 (and counting!).