Growing up in Socal, I was no stranger to the "beach punk" sound (whether the bands resided in Huntington Beach or Huntington Park, they were fairly communal in emotive chord choices). I've never been a Bad Religion sorta guy, but I've also never been entirely immune to rare songs in the style creeping into my ears and ticklin' muh stapes. It was serendipity when Sami Kettunen asked me to do artwork for a Finnish group inspired by that scene (Finns really do surf by the way). They just needed a cover, and would handle the rest of the layout themselves...which I shouldn't have let them do, though I can't talk too much shit as...just...look...at those...football extremities. I think I was going for a Pushead rag doll thing, and instead had a mindfart of apocalyptic proportions. But anyway, I get my artist's copy, throw it on out of morbid curiosity, and LOVED it! It was melodic...of course...clean cut...of course...primed for a Vans sponsorship...of course...but it just
grabbed me, the posi vibe, the blistering soul in the vocals, the not-too-irritatingly-Epitaph-production, it held my fullest attention because it was fucking
BEAUTIFUL! It still is, so if anyone's down for a reissue, I'm down to dramatically overhaul the visuals! Fave Trax: "Pilvenpiirtäjä" and "Sä Et Tuu".