Do you have an oral fixation for thrash? Are you constantly giving cat baths to white basketball shoes and blue denim vests? Do your tastebuds go silly for Chuck Billy? Then bust out your sluttiest flavor of Chapstick, cuz this Chilean classic will get you frenchin' the chrome right off its muffler! Short, but not flaccid, interviews with Detente, Cryptic Slaughter, S.O.D., C.O.C., D.R.I., Agnostic Front, Sepultura, and far girthier write ups on Morbid Angel, Massacre (Santiago and Florida), Death Angel, Mordred, L.S.N., Annihilation, Holy Terror, Defcon, Syranax, Aggression, Kotsen, Voivod, Necrophagia, Watchtower, Anvil Bitch, Darkness, Wehrmacht, Hatred, Master, Lethal Aggression, Blood Feast, Visible Minority, Sudden Impact, Voor, Savage Thrust, Vulcano, Mutilator, Overdose, Mortalha, Deathrow, Druid, and Prophets Of Doom. You'll have to buy your own kneepads (or borrow your dads), but for parched tonsils
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