An Alighierian tour through a sex-killer's necrotic psyche, a postnuclear realm where degenerated sigma wolves rape and mutilate...sometimes after death...whosoever stumbles into their lairs of disintegrating concrete and coagulated filth. WAAAITASEC, back that free candy van up...
founder Lee Bartow once described it as an angst-blast about his love life in general!?!? There's no denying the ardor that fuels Lee's work, and The Church Of Dead Girls is probably the most visceral of his creations (it's definitely his most cohesively produced), but the only "love" I've ever felt from the discs is of homie smearing lipstick on the anus of a headless corpse before he makes out with it. The apex of edgelord krokodil, and you're just one plunger click away from its fatal final fix...