After several years of editing the zine/tape combo-pack "Audio Drudge", creator Jason Mantis officially rebranded himself as "Malignant Records" with this compilation CD themed entirely upon Ebola. Powerfully curated, only darktronic royalty were invited to this petechiae party, with Vromb, Soldnergeist, Lull, and Voice Of Eye expectedly providing the most virulent tracks. Comorbid with this upload are hi-res scans of Audio Drudge, minus issues 1 and 4 (which are bizarrely impossible to find).
I loved the zine but never clicked with the tapes. The duplication quality was substandard, and the artists chronically submitted material that was poorly representative of their work as a whole. Starting with Invisible Domains, Jason settled for nothing less than superior sound in all facets of it's assembly and exhibition, quickly immortalizing the label as a global institution for only the "purest" industrial and associated genres. Pandemic indeed!