"Maso Yamazaki is a Japanese noise musician. He started Masonna in 1987, creating the name by combining the words Maso (Masochist) and Onna (Woman). It is also a pun on Madonna's name. Sometimes it is rendered as an acronym spelling 'Mademoiselle Anne Sanglante Ou Notre Nymphomanie Auréolé', or 'Mystic Another Selection Of Nurses Naked Anthology'. Maso became interested in noise when he heard sounds of destruction on television as a child, but his first exposure to noise as a genre was Hanatarash's debut LP, and 'LSD' by Tokyo's 'Nord' (mistaking it for the Japanese punk band L.S.D.). Two more years would pass before he started to produce and develop his own unique style. He is infamous for wild live performances which usually consist of damaging his equipment, jumping around madly, and sometimes getting injured. He has given entire concerts which lasted only a few seconds."