1983 interview by Pushead...
Cranking exuberant full horsepower thrash, blistering the decibles with non-hesitant ourcries of wild chaotic intensity, comes from the town of Tornio, on the border of Sweden and Finland, the crazed speed merchants of Finnish hardcore, TERVEET KADET. Split second experts in piledriving ferocity, TERVEET KADET features Laja, 24, voice; Tiimo, 25, guitars; Piasky, 23, bass and voices; and newcomer Walde, 17, on drums. Together they make a spectacular rapid firing assault of frenzied disorder, captured on three staggering 7" EPs, a few cuts on Russia Bombs Finland sampler LP, Raw War cassette sampler, and soon the urgency continues on a 17 song mini LP on Propaganda Records which features unrestrained numbers like "Vapaa Pohjola" (Free North), "Ulkopulinen" (Outsider), "A.L.I.E.N.", and "Transvestiitti". This blazing inferno of powerhouse excitement is storming the gates of international hardcore, one of the ten best amplified bands today.
Q: English meaning of TERVEET KADET and why did you choose that name?
TK: TERVEET KADET or the HEALTHY HANDS...Well the "name", we chose it because we like that is stupid (an anti-punk name) we're very humorous guys. Maybe names like SYSTEM, THE FRONT OF COPS, BASTARDS, KAAOS/CHAOS, etc sounds very "international bullshit", that's why the name, TK, and it's our independence. Who needs our name? Maybe nobody.
Q: Explain the TK symbol.
TK: Circle/a cross/"horizontal line" = "symbol" about dreams. What we dreaming? Who knows?
Q: Do you believe in god/religion?
TK: "Religion" = only few words that can get the power of the soul. Religion means to us punk, anarchy, political power, the good and the bad, etc.
Q: Are you political? What sort of political state is Finland? How does it affect your lives? Does it switch suddenly or if it a continuous state? Do you believe in a system? Do you believe in anarchy?
TK: No. Because we likes that we not "understand" politics, that is why we don't wanna put our "ideas" to some heads. And it's religion too, But we listen what others say, and they say pressure/kill/lies, etc. Finland is only capitalist country (little USA), we also have big communist organizations (SKP, SKOL). effect our lives here, too many unemployed, what to do if you're older? Fuck. Finland is so "sleeper" that nothing happens (chaos?). We don't believe any system (no comments). Anarchy = good to soul, bad to mind? Is it the "good only system" that can change good old rebellious religion? Hmm, hmm...
Q: With Russia being the next door neighbor, how does this affect you with the arms /power race between US/USSR? What are TK's feelings towards US, USSR, UK, the leaders and their conquest for power? Is this spoken of in TK's lyrics?
TK: The Russia and rest of the world. Well, it's only frightening! Too many power, too many stupids, too many leaders who want save their countries to some "monsterous neighbor"...well, that's why we do songs about anti-war (mostly), like "War", etc. We don't put the finger to nobody...all in our fine earth are in the circle of death. United/change and win, do songs about anti-war. (It's cliche, but fuck...the world is too mad). Message = fuck off your power (leaders), we don't need your lies.
Q: What do TK's lyrics represent? Who writes the lyrics?
TK: Songs...mostly about war, but we do also songs that means something. Well, uh, strange things. (Finnish punx not understand them all, that is why they like that TK is full of shit and fun too, heh heh.) Most of TK lyrics by Mr. Laja because he knows something about soul (Don't trust him...)?
Q: Who writes the music? What are your major influences to play the music you play? Bands?
TK: Tiimo and TK we play only, is into our soul (not for money, not for big name, etc)? We want to do something and fight about our ideas. UK - D1SCHARGE (best), USA - all (mostly) with good speed /ideas, Sweden - SHITLICKERS (great), HEADCLEANERS (great). Finland - RIISTETYT (best), RATTUS, old STALIN, RUTTO, etc.
Q: What do you think of Finnish punk/hardcore music, the scene, the clubs, the activities and so on? What is the attitude of the punx and how it affects TK, like the nazis, the skins, the spikes, and so on?
TK: Finnish music (HC) "maybe the best". The scene, well ok, punx are not united here, that is very dumb/sad scene. But we love it too. The clubs, well some ok places like Lepakko Luola (in Helsinki) the best yet, have good feelings. The hiki punx are the best (united and so on). Propaganda do some shows and help a lot of HC bands. Finnish punx do fanzines, records, etc. Like in the States if you come to "club" you want to be 18 (to drink), the bands play and punx "slam" and get drunk, then come police. Finnish punx attitude = get drunk and beat (silly). Where hell is the brain? Skins/spikes - ok, if they're not nazis! We love our scene.
Q: Your opinions of Finnish police? It you're jailed? What are the major/mino crimes that the police hassle Finnish punx for?
TK: Police (or poliisi) not so "brutal" like USA, but fuck them. We're not jailed, an police are not threatening us (only ou shadows??). The minor/major crimes punx get drunk, chaos, riot.
Q: Live gigs for TK? Have you toured? Have you been outside of Finland? Is there plans for a European tour?
TK: Four gigs in '82, we've not toured, we live so far away from the big scenes and it costs a lot. And maybe punx are not interested our noises? First gig in Sweden. The "European tour", well we play if some organized it. Lots of friends in Europe. When we play our home town (Tornio) only 5-30 people, they don't like our noises. Another great band in Tornio is the RUTTO, make 5 track EP, out soon. When we play in Helsinki with LAMA, about 200 punx and they enjoy our noises.
Q: Is TK a serious band or for fun? Is there a message you strive for?
TK : The big question. Well, both off, we do songs that are very serious and some fun songs though we're not so called "punx puritan band". So don't know, that is your problem. Don't trust nobody is our message, the world can kill without us.
Q: Are times bad in Finland? Is TK unemployed?
TK: Not so good for Finland, ok for TK, we're not unemployed.
Q: TK's description of Finland?
TK: "The land of hope"...(fuck). Thank you to Shesh, Vote, Pushead and to all who writes to us, thanx for your time. Have infinite X-Mas and take a wank. Goodbye.