Heresy - Reh: Denstone, England, December 8th/9th 1986

"Hello Sean, Happy New Year! I have a bit of a surprise for you. I have been digging around some old boxes of stuff during these crazy times, and I have found my very first rehearsals with Heresy. These rehearsals took place a week before my first show. I hope you have not already heard it. I can’t remember sending it to anyone. I think it was a private/reference recording at the time. This tape is audio evidence of my first attempts to try and fill the mighty boots of Reevesy who I admired greatly. There are no vocals. It is just Kalv, Steve and myself creating a racket in Steve’s bedroom at his Mom and Dad’s house in the small village of Denstone where Plasmid/Heresy was born. I am sure that there are people out there who would like to hear it. I think it needs a spot on your website." --Mitch