Blackhouse - "Pro Life" Tape 1984, "Hope Like A Candle" Tape 1985, "Holy War" Tape 1987, "Hidden Beneath The Metal" Tape 1991

"Blackhouse is an industrial project based in Eureka, California, formed in 1984, and cited as the first to make industrial music for the Christian market. Musically acclaimed, Blackhouse has ensued for over three decades, producing a myriad of releases in that time. Often they find themselves riding the line between artistic expression and forming a message in a way that could be accepted in the broad Christian community. One album featured a cover showing a rabbit crucified, with the thought of exposing the real meaning of Easter.

The sound that Blackhouse offered was far outside the norms of Christian music, and live performances met with resistance from both the Christian right and Neo-Nazi organizations. The Neo-Nazi groups protested the religious content, which was unusual in a genre usually known for espousing negative themes including nihilism, pornography, sadomasochism, and drug culture. The Christians took issue with Blackhouse's sound itself, again due to industrial's association with negative elements of society. After a time Blackhouse went underground, focusing on producing recorded material rather than touring."