Ybrid 2000-2010 (99% Discography & Live, WAV, 320, 160-215 VBR)

Goddess-Empress of symphonic industrial-hXc and cinematic ethno-DMT...

Part 1...

Part 2...

"Based in Lower Normandy, in the Bay of Mont St Michel, Sylvie Egret is better known under the pseudonym 'Ybrid' in the electronic world. After classical training at a conservatory (for guitar and piano), then guitarist in an alternative rock group, she quickly appropriates new technologies and integrates computers as a musical creation tool. She began to play live in 1999, her sound becoming radicalized over a somewhat lengthy time. She created her own label 'Ark-Aïk' in 2004. Driven by the desire not to be locked into a particular style, she develops parallel projects: in residence with the instruments of the Baschets brothers, composing soundtracks for dance and theater companies, developing a new soundtrack for Murnau's Nosferatu, or writing the 'Silencio' in collaboration with singer Camille Hamel (a.k.a. Myù-K). Then she devotes a whole year to composing the 3 acts of 'Requiem Ex Machina', an electronic opera setting up on stage an orchestra and Camille Hamel as a dramatic soprano singer. Going towards a work of film music, she launches more and more towards creations carried by the imagination.

However, although different, we find in her various compositions unifying elements such as the taste for small mischievous voices, the stretched strings sometimes flirting with classicism, feet with demonic saturations...when one casts an attentive ear at the work of Ybrid, one is as captivated, caught up by these titles with melancholic and deeply black climates. Ybrid plays the alchemist, reconciling her influences and a certain taste for dark humor. Powerful, unwarranted, angry, all driven by a taste for risk and experimentation. The titles resulting from an idiom sometimes invented or strongly influenced by ancient languages, are the perfect reflection of this ageless musical gestation, which seems to revive a pantheon of bawdy party gods, obsessed with the simple desire to move freely on the moving waters of creativity, without having to set limits or barriers. Forget the labels and put aside prejudices to plunge blank ears into this catatonic world, where specters, machines, and humans draw the contours of artistic independence. Darkly Enjoyable!"
 -- Official biography by Roland Torres