Sönke Moehl (Low Entropy) - "Hardcore By The Book" Collection 2020 (PDF)

"In the last years, or, almost decade, I wrote various books - some about the past and present of Hardcore Techno, some about anarchist politics, some with short stories in a SciFi and otherwise settings, and some filled with my own breed of nonsense poems. I spread them by putting them on blogs or on download sites; but I guess this method more or less scattered them in all four winds, so I had the idea to put up a collection of the books I wrote in one release...

Legends In Their Life - The Unofficial PCP Book 
A collection of texts I wrote on the PCP label and Doomcore, includes topics such as the artwork of PCP, rare and lost projects, record reviews etc.

The Hardcore Condition 
A book about Experimental Hardcore in the 90s, labels, records, artists...background information and reviews. 

Hardcore Techno And Anarchist Theory 
My attempt to draw a connection between Hardcore and anarchism, explores political topics and those of art and culture in general. Tries to give an anarchist spin on the realm of art. 

Anarchism Beyond Modernism 
Anarchism, as a political movement, is more or less defined by being a phenomenon of the modern era, here I try to put some perspectives onto anarchism that transcend the whole modernist, 19th, 20th century mindset. 

Der Paradiesplanet Und Andere Geschichten 
Mostly a collection of SciFi short stories I wrote about the Paradise Planet, the only existing and functioning anarchist planet in the galaxy, also includes a few other stories. Only in German language yet, sorry! 

Gugu Und Mehr 
A collection of surreal short stories and kind of dada-ist, nonsense poems and lyrics which focus more on the sound of words and noises than on their meaning, again, only in German language, although the poems are actually not in any real language at all." 

--Sönke Moehl