First in a series of schlocktronic swinger parties hosted by Merzbow. If I'm not mistaken, he was still filming and/or composing "music" for bondage videos during this time, which may account for the intense fixation on sexuality for this and the releases that followed (well, outside of just being a provocational creepo). The swappers featured here were P16.D4, The Hanatarashi, The Haters, Das Synthetische Mischgewebe, Toshifumi Kawase, 40318, Merzbow, Falx Cerebri, Die Form, Enhanta Bodlar, K2, Shoni-Byoto, Sleep Chamber, and House Hunt Hussies.
Though redundantly worded, biggest ups to The Haters for one of the best summations ever about this scene (from the accompanying booklet): "You really don't need a copy of a record or tape to hear destroyed music. Whenever you hear an explosion, a fire, or a spanking, you will know that you are hearing the most inspirational forms of destroyed music."