Red - "Demo 00" (Year?) & "Golden Oath Of Allegiance" CDEP 2006 (World Member)


Japanese Crust Punk, Death Metal, Antifa Mince, Pussy Violence,

Ramleh - "A Return To Slavery" LP 1983

"Ramleh are an English experimental group formed in 1982 by Gary Mundy. Originally a part of the British industrial music scene (which included 'Whitehouse' and 'Sutcliffe Jugend'), Mundy released a tape entitled 'Onslaught' and was then joined by Philip Best, a 14-year-old who was already known for his involvement with power electronics. They recorded several more cassettes before releasing 'A Return to Slavery'. Although Ramleh initially disbanded in 1984, Mundy continued on with his record label 'Broken Flag'. In their early days, the band flirted with fascist imagery for shock value...nevertheless, Mundy and Best discontinued this practice and disavowed it, denying any affiliations with hate groups."

Rudimentary Peni - Instrumental Rough Mix For Death Church, Live '82, Live '93

Wretched - Padova '87 (Last Show / Soundboard)

Tatuerade Snutkukar (Tattooed Cop Cocks) ‎– "Hardcore Trash" Demo 1983 & "Relabel" Studio Sesh (Year?)

I've been name-checking this band for years here on the blog, so I guess it's finally time to barf up the goods: Literally drunk Swedish thrash that could have been grindcore in a slower-paced world (I'm hoping once you hear them that you'll understand what I'm getting at in the tempo department). Full clear rip of an original demo (by a Swede), and the "Relabel" tracks are a different studio session that seems to be sourced from the "Varning" boxset (HORRIBLY misspelled titles though!)...

Ugly Thrash - Comp Tape 2004

Car tapes. Gloriously over-glorified car tapes. Here's another one for your excursions to Costco for a jolly pallet of fluorescent dildos. I put this one together on a whim, dually inspired from a friend's email-rant about collector elites (I quoted a line from that at the very end of the cover's track listing), as well as my admiration for 1980s/early 90s cassette comps that passed their contents off as "licensed"...but just weren't! Plenty of subgenres, plenty of muddy hiss, plenty of each side being ripped as one fat track by Jun Kato, but hey, you wanted to know what the analog days (even their final gasp) really felt like...

Sexorama (Masami Akita) - Volume 1 Cassette 1984 (With Full Booklet Scans)

First in a series of schlocktronic swinger parties hosted by Merzbow. If I'm not mistaken, he was still filming and/or composing "music" for bondage videos during this time, which may account for the intense fixation on sexuality for this and the releases that followed (well, outside of just being a provocational creepo). The swappers featured here were P16.D4, The Hanatarashi, The Haters, Das Synthetische Mischgewebe, Toshifumi Kawase, 40318, Merzbow, Falx Cerebri, Die Form, Enhanta Bodlar, K2, Shoni-Byoto, Sleep Chamber, and House Hunt Hussies.

Though redundantly worded, biggest ups to The Haters for one of the best summations ever about this scene (from the accompanying booklet): "You really don't need a copy of a record or tape to hear destroyed music. Whenever you hear an explosion, a fire, or a spanking, you will know that you are hearing the most inspirational forms of destroyed music."

Exterminio Brutal - "Corrosao Radioativa" Demo 1 1991, "Vitimas Da Radiacao Nuclear" Demo 2 1991, Live Sao Carlos 1992

Brasilia's burly bitchslap of an answer to Fear Of God, early Agathocles, the anti metal end of the second-wave grind scene et al. Demos sourced from my tape trading with Luis Mosh almost 20 years ago, and the live show came from another 'zilian on Soulseek, so the crispness of the ripness is as Carnaval!💃 as it's ever gonna get...