Brülbåjz - "Dodens Apostlar" 7" 1980

Only lonely release of this ultra thick, bassy, borderline hardcore Swedish punk band...

Breakouts - "In Vagueness Deal" 7" 1979, "Waiting For A Change" 7" 1980, "No More" 12" 1983

'Frisco KBD angst-machine, P-U-N-K as F-U-C-K n' R-A-G-N-A-R-O-C-K-I-N'!!!

City Hunter - Discography 2013-2018 (LP Flac, Demos 320)

Serial killer themed experimental hardcore ( the 10" blades embedded in their victim's rib cages, vaginas, eye sockets et al). The sometimes Siege-length musick feels as cruel as their topics, with Th' Nigga Mahler likening them to a sociopathic Septic Death, and most others not being able to compare their level of viciousness to any other punk band at all. Hands down (because they were sawn off) one of the most original projects I've heard in the past decade!

Expo - "Do The Expo!" CD Version 1987

Incohate "chip tune" (maybe one of the very first) sprinkled atop the flan of Japan's notorious "City" genre. Whimsical...and bizarre!!!

Crystal Meth - "Les Akkros" 12" 2001

Industrial-doomcore from the founder of "B.E.A.S.T. Records", like binging Black Mirror while sipping lab-grade L.S.D. (with a Red Vine straw). Best track: "Mass Destruction Theater"...

Atentat Na Sluh ("Hearing Assassination") - "Nostalgija" 3" EP 2009

A Srpski Noise...

Rot (Japan) - "Intense Noisecore" 88-91 CD 1992 (Flac)

The guitars drill brains, but this is really S.O.B.-thrash interpolated with cheery straight hardcore. I remember when this came out that people didn't seem to know what to do with it (Japcore just wasn't a "thing" yet)...and still don't, Discogs is loaded with mint copies for less than a bowl of bat sou-OOOOOOOOOOOOPS!!!!!!😮