Yeastie Girlz - "Ovary Action" 7" 1988 (With Full Scans)

This trio considered themselves feminists, but were as lyrically gritty as Seth Putnam: Ten acapella tracks of white-girl rap, (in)famous for being released on Lookout and sampled by mainstream "industrial rock" band Consolidated...

Butcher VS Butcher - "On The Ground" 7" 1982 & "Stand And Fight" 7" 1983 VS "Your Hell" 7" 1985 & "Suicide" Demo 1986

Killed by U.K.-literal-82 VS not-completely-incompetent French thrash... 

Under The Church - Demo 2013

Heavier than the mass of Sweden!!! This is the Lovecraftian god-monstrosity that lurches through the dimensional portal opened by Grave and Nihilist (with a few of the live sacrifices happily provided by Autopsy). Members of Merciless (!) and Nirvana 2002 (!!)P-O-S-E-R S-L-A-U-T-E-R-I-N-G T-O-T-A-L D-E-A-T-H!!!!!! (Fave track: Haunted By Demons)

Bunch Of Lies (Fear Of God) - Rehearsal 6-6-87

The joke band that evolved into Fear Of God (and by the sounds...excuse me...noises of it, they'd already started......TRANSITIONING!)...

Adam And The Ants - Studio And Bedroom Demos 1977-1979 (320 Converted From Flac)

"Adam and the Ants started as part of the burgeoning punk rock movement, gigging around London with manager 'Jordan' from the SEX Boutique on Kings Road. The band toured extensively throughout the UK but proved to be unpopular with much of the British music press who disliked their fetishistic lyrics and imagery. Adam approached Sex Pistol's manager Malcolm McLaren and asked him to help the group. McLaren subsequently took the rest of the Ants to form 'Bow Wow Wow' [Adam very soon reinvented the project with a new line-up that achieved commercial success]."

Septic Death - Video At The Farm 6-27-86 (MP4 360p)

So going by this older pic (not from the Farm show), Brian just used to draw himself...

Dorotabou - "Shinshu Tanjou" Demo Tape 2004 & "Kyomu No Kukan" CDR 2005 (Complete Discography)

Aburadako-ish artcore from members of Laukaus and Kruw. Terminal Boredom's old review of the CDR also compared them to SS and Stalin...but I'm just not hearing that in their sound (they get "hardcore" but neither thrash nor puke bloody pathos on the listener). Whatever the group's inspirations or intent, the resulting output is a highly refreshing, even vitalizing good time...

Amputation - "Achieve The Mutilation" Demo 1989 & "Slaughtered In The Arms Of God" Demo 1990 (With Scans)

πŸ‘ΏPre Immortal life metal!!!😈

Mierda Radioaktiva - Live Demo '85

DIOS this is awful! I love it! Spanish shitcore, like Disorder (when they were 7) covering Suburban Filth...

Zero Kama - "The Secret Eye Of L.A.Y.L.A.H." CD 1984/1991 (1987 Remix)

"All instruments on this recording were solely made from human bones and skulls..."