Ranchiki Aid Omnibus Tape 1985 (O.G. Complete)

"Cassette compilation made by Ranchiki fanzine out of Tokyo. According to the liner notes, the band
'Taiji' recorded their track with Tomo Kuwahara of 'White Hospital' on guitar (after White Hospital
had disbanded). It possibly is the only ever recorded material of Taiji with Tomo as a member,
which for fans of his works is something of noteworthy."

Disaster - "War Cry" MLP & "Live Planet X" Tape 1991 (FLAC)

"It was 1989, and a bunch of lads from Halifax, West Yorkshire formed a band. The influence was Discharge as well as the bands coming out of Sweden like Discard, Anti-Cimex, Totalitar etc. In the UK, Doom were doing something similar, but where Doom were basing their sound on the Scandinavian Discharge copies, we were gonna sound just like Discharge. Our first practice session was arranged and Browny came along with the first incarnation of the song 'Devastation', it certainly sounded like Discharge. Week after week he would arrive with more classic riffs, and the rest of us would go home and check our records to make sure they were not Discharge songs. Soon we had enough songs to play a short set and we played our first gig at a squat in Leeds. Rumours had got out about us and the venue was full, we could barely move. A demo was released and tracks from it were used on a couple of compilation tapes. Tony and a friend living in Leeds had decided to set up a record label ('Tone Deaf') and expressed an interest in putting out a Disaster release. We didn't have enough songs to release a full LP, so we decided to do a mini-LP like Discharge's 'Why?'. 'War Cry' was recorded in July 1990 and the sleeve design followed the Why? format. Initial feedback from War Cry was good; reviews in Raising Hell and the U.S. zine Maximum Rocknroll helped spread the word. The record also benefited from airplay on Radio 1's John Peel show. We began gigging more, mostly at Bradford's 1-in-12 club and Liverpool's Planet X. Our friends Hellkrusher from the Northeast and Trashed from Leeds were often on the same bill. We also got a chance to support some of our heroes, including Chaos U.K., Corrosion Of Conformity, and Kulturo (ex Antisect). We entered the studio for what would be the last time to record 'Death Race' for the 1-in-12 compilation LP 'A Nightmare on Albion Street'. We also used 'Mania For Conquest' which we had recorded during the War Cry sessions for a Discharge tribute CD put out by Dean of Extreme Noise Terror, which featured Concrete Sox and Raw Noise. No more studio tracks were ever recorded, however the War Cry reissue CD includes the songs 'B.N.P.' and 'Air Raid' recorded live at the Irish Centre in Newcastle. These were among the last songs we wrote." --Russ (Vocals)

The Voyager Golden Record - Complete Pix, Music/Sounds, & Alien Decode Test 1977 (FLAC/320/WAV/MP4)

"The 'Voyager Golden Records' are identical 12" LPs mounted on and launched with the 'Voyager' exploratory spacecrafts in 1977. The records contain sounds and encoded images showing the diverse cultures and life of Earth, and were created as time capsules of humanity should any intelligent extraterrestrials encounter them. A stylus and instructions written in binary (for playback and image decoding) were also included. The LPs run 90 minutes, are constructed of gold-plated copper, and housed in aluminum covers electroplated with ultra-pure uranium-238, which has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. A civilization that encounters them will be able to use mass spectrometry to determine the ratio of remaining uranium, thus revealing the record's ages. Eight copies were pressed, two are on the Voyager spacecrafts, one is on display at the Smithsonian, with the remainder archived at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in southern California. Although neither spacecraft is heading toward any particular star, Voyager 1 will pass near the constellation 'Camelopardalis' in about 40,000 years. Currently, both Voyager 1 and 2 are in interstellar space, but still within the bounds of the Oort Cloud."

Never to be confused with this nigga...

Voice Of Eye - "Anthology 1 & 2" LP & 2xCD '89-'96 2010/2011 (320)

"Voice of Eye performs and records deep ambient, shamanic, sonically organic, love drone,
galactic ritual, evolving experimental, and heirloom quality antique industrial music. Voice of Eye processes real-time acoustic events through electronic effects to achieve their signature sonic atmosphere. Always on the lookout for new sonic revelations, they invent many of their own instruments."

Sutcliffe Jügend - "Relentless" 4xCD + "5th Disc" Bonus 2019 (320)

Final and ultimate release (under this moniker) from pure-industrial / "noise"
genre cofounder Kevin Tomkins. Hypnotizes, particlizes...