Decree - "Wake of Devastation" CD 1997 & "Moment Of Silence" CD 2004

Excoriating power-noise/industrial that wages attrition warfare on your ears. Everything about this Front Line Assembly related project is total loudness-wars meets full dynamic range audiophilia. The outstanding (and professional) home production, arrangement, performance, and capture of the notably cinematic vibe is...well I just don't have the adjectives to describe how awesome it all is. Topically it's the expected stuff, melodramatic angst vocalized with disturbingly alien distortion or ultra reverb (or both). With Decree, I feel like I'm trapped in a city-size, severely malfunctioning robotics facility that's also flooding with radioactive gas...while the entire structure is on fire. This is 2/3rds of their complete discography (3rd album sucks, and I don't know how that happened), with the first CD sandblasting your soul, and the sophomore effort disinfecting that soul with fallen angel tears.