Isterismo - "In Giu Sotto" Cassette-EP 2010

I don't think I've ever encountered a band as polarizing-per-release as Isterismo. This one's better recorded and even heavier than most of their other material (you can hear the riffs). Old Xysma-style bass crushes the expected braindrill guitar out of the mix, though that guitar does have a pleasingly shattering shape where noticeable. Musically, they're continuing their delusion that they're the noisecore rebirth of Wretched. I do hear those inclinations (predominant in style of vocals, drums, and how those two are specifically mixed), but let's face it, all the Japanese scene-tribute bands mostly just sound like some variant of Swedish hXc with edgy arrangement aberrations and a few other nerd-homage things tacked on. Hey, I'm not saying it isn't badass, just...stop lying to yourselves how deep it all is. The tape will make you feel like you're covered in napalm, that's my least condescending answer.