FUCK I kept some (now) ancient shit! Heavy as whale balls on your exposed lungs, Australian sludge-death and rare
shock ultragrind that morphed into solemnly emotive industrial metal. Fairly low gurgles and deathliness gave way to clean shouts and a template closer to a simplified Helmet or Zeni Geva. Godflesh is the most obvious and redundant influence, noticable in the reverbed-out singular note noodling, but they "groove" more than loop themselves. Tight and well produced on the demo, and very tight and expertly produced on the CD, this was a band truly worthy of cult status that blew all the homies away upon first release...BOTH the demo and CD (and I was the nigga to dub the band for them...aaalll of them)! SO...whatever happened to the Fear Bait / Christ Factory collaboration?