An O.G. rip from an O.G. tape, re-gifted to me the year of release (Morishita > Hometown Homie > Me). Hell yeah I'm gonna brag! Picture the transformers you see on telephone poles shorting out and arcing through your brain...that's Collapse Society. 2nd wave dis-noisecore who were among the very first in Japan's initial revival of the genre. Up tempo on the EP, oddly "groggy" on the demo (I prefer the demo), the dis is usually Doom/E.N.T. speed with noise levels into the infrared. As so elegantly photographed, I had a shithead paint pen accident that I just as shitheadidly failed to morph into the band's initials. And for the cybersadists, the cover isn't O.G. because that got TOTALLY destroyed. Real punx
always party on their shit! I had no drama whatsoever with the EP, or any of my vinyl...but tapes...they saw dark things.