Ronald Ruck - 88-89 CDR 2006
Chemotherapy - 7" 1983
Massmedia - The EPs 1979-1980
Brain Cancer - 2008 Demo
Christfall - "187 The World" 1993 Demo

Evoken - "Rotting Misery" Flexi 2012

Schismopathic - "Kharkharamaphatic Regurgitator" Demo 1989

Laibach - LP 1985
DJ Tron - "Chrome Padded Cell" CD 1999

Though there's no information in the booklet beyond generic production credits, the CD is somewhat of a collection of comp/12" trax mixed with new material...all original compositions where he was a genre-definer in the 90s speedcore sound: "Just" fast, but not breakneck (yet), with protracted segues into mid-tempo and intentionally monotonous bass kicks that are inherently deep and infused even heavier with sickly distortions. Over and under laid in this robotic tank of doom are surgically edited horror samples of dialog, agonized and tortured female screaming, and fuckin' daaark electronic loops and other synthy buzzings. Everything's entombed in reverb as well. I love it. Tron will grind you down and...I can't lie...rape your soul. Rape. Your. S-O-U-L!
Slime From The Nose Of Texas - "Slaughterhouse" 7" 1986

Mental - "Complete Mental" CD/DVD 2009

Master - Reh '85, Live '90 Aalst, "The Final Word" Demo '95

As for the tapes: Sound across each recording is tolerable, with trebly definition (and tape hiss) on the higher end. I don't think this is a ripper's error, just a nuance of very old cassette tapes. This is ubiquitous, even for the cleanly recorded "The Final Word" demo, which the title track is's just sick as hell nigga, sick as hell. Pic (and tape/s) isn't mine, I don't front!
Excruciating Terror - "Legacy Of Hate" 7" 1991 & Interview w/Victor 2013
...or 2012. O.G. 2nd-wave ultra-hater grind from Los Angeles. All the stories are true, and if you question them you'll become a story too! :0 This band was basically the philosophical continuation of Terrorizer, but still took a majority of cues from ENT's song structures. You get some legit triggerless blasts and inhuman cupped-mic vokes (the shrieks can get close to Mick Harris wipeouts too, always a welcome aural accoutrement ), though they could write a doom song that would destroy you. This was a thing in L.A. for awhile, where everybody worshipped Godflesh as much as Napalm Death, so they mustered their best to fuse that Swans-inspired sound into their own bands. It always came off as "doom" though. Dirty sound, hard to deduce the ineptness of the studio, but it's still somehow "professional". The ENT influence (in riff segmentation) became more striking the further the band went. I'll eventually upload the demo and live KXLU set. For now, this is my rip because AS USUAL I couldn't stand the other rip out there. I also edited Victor's interview to where it's just his actual interview and not hours worth of hair metal or Municipal Waste played between each question.
Hyperstoic 1-5

Imagen - '87-'89 7" & Demos

From the demos to the lone EP, the band maintains a confusing stylistic consistency. One song will be thrashcore, or an efficient Psycho Sin, or a s-i-m-p-l-i-s-t-i-c 1-2 punker to get you dolphin flippin'. Production values are a mystery. It's not boombox...but if it's studio, it's the kind of studio available to late night public access TV shows of the early 80s (there's still decent mixing and reverb). The EP sounds the most (noticeably) plugged-into-the-console of all the recordings, yet ironically has the sharpest clarity. None of these are black marks, the recordings are resourceful and charmingly fitting to a band of Imagen's ilk. Why they never received an authorized discography is beyond me.
Maho Neitsyt - "1981-1989" (EPs and Demo)
Tranquilizer - "History '85-'87"

Not as Chaos U.K. as one may be led to believe, Tranquilizer is almost thrashy, yet 1-2 enough to remain chaos-punk. They're not completely noisecore either (minus the shittily boomboxed demos), the guitars buzz as traditionally as their historical brethren in Yugoslavia or all those other fucked up Orwellian type countries. Songs can be abruptly short too, with noticeably shorter sharp shocks pleasing the Larm-admiring areas of my brain. They change it up somewhat. The second flexi costs 1/4 to 1/2 of what the first flexi commands on the wizard hat market, if that's any indicator to how drastically they switch genres (or competency). If you want my dead honest opinion, they were probably barely out of high school doing this, probably their first band, and as such projects usually go they just sonically vomited out whatever was on their little kid minds. In places wild and enthusiastic, but not mindblowingly essential. Ehhh...I'd still nerd the fuck out and wear a shirt, why lie? Oh, I'm not buying the "date" on the cdr discography, freaks fucking lie and fuck around too much with the Japcore scene.
Innocents - "Masho + 25 Tracks" CD 2009

One of the few bands I can hang with in the "traditional" Japcore style (anything that isn't influenced by Chaos U.K.). Clug-chunk early Agnostic Front up-tempo tough guy hardcore meets hard rock...that all of a sudden busts straight into blastbeats (band was around in '88, S.O.B. beat them out a few years prior). Don't get too excited, those moments are relegated to their demo. But still, there's that typical melodramatic sing-along vibe that the Japanese mastered at birth, and everyone else goes nuts for. Not essential, but fun nonetheless. Fave track: "Mammy". No one else ever noticed the O.G. Nintendo on the cover? No one?
Blackhouse - "5 Minutes After I Die" Cassette 1986

"5 Minutes After I die" does contain buzzing rhythmic pulses, but nothing ear-dissolving. There's plenty of found sounds, and looped sounds, and scraping in metal barrels and other pretentiously-named stuff, but Blackhouse has a talent for precision and a near compositional feel to the tracks. Basically, there's no improv cheater bullshit here masquerading as "art". I have to prop them for their production and design ideas too. The tapes all look, Broken Flag in feel to the layouts (I'd swear up and down they had access to one of the earliest desktop publishing programs...that or they were O.C.D. as fuck with a Letraset sticker sheet). Just all the usual visual cues that tell one "industrial", but "in the cool way". As for the noise, I have no clue the type of equipment they use to make OR record, but through the mild tape hiss it's sharply defined and...kinda pleasantly...mixed with attention to detail.
This is the first of two posts celebrating the Sovie-Homie Paul's birthday. I don't want him to be the only one who clicks that lonely link...
Magus - "Ruminations Of Debauchery" Demo & 7" 1992

Hardcore Milano - "Like A Train In Your Brain" 12" 2001

For the softcore fags and those vaguely familiar with this "other" hardcore, you get plenty of speed metal guitar samples, rudimentary distorted synths, and P-U-N-I-S-H-I-N-G low-tuned and enveloping distorted's ALL distorted. But's fuckin' F-A-S-T, a heart-stopping barrage of punishment. I admit SOME samples hover close to Tidebox-Backpack sorts of things, but...I got nothin', you either deal or you don't (I don't just deal, I embrace!). This record was a throwback even when it was released 15 years ago, evoking hXc's sound from many years before THEN (I'm old, I was there for the way, hXc got even faster and more vicious and actually STUNNING in production values, you'll get plenty more posts of all it's eras in time). There's the link yo, see how it
Funeral Bitch - 1986/1987 Demos 7" 2011
Two demos...or most of the demos...of F-A-S-T vintage ('86) speed-thrash that fluctuates between Repulsion's clean style of blastbeats and rhythm-heavy riffing, to Slaughter's overall speed on the "Strappado" LP. The occasional SCREAMING solos are masterfully they would be. This is yet another Paul Speckmann side band, so the musicianship is nothing short of professional (and incredibly well recorded...for being "demos" they still sound close to album quality). I think what surprises me the most about this band is the SPEED. Speckmann's usual Master riffs (there's an ultra-blast version of "The Truth" on this) translate VERY well over a speedier beat...which basically gives you Terrorizer. I think Oscar Garcia would even admit to that (these two demos were VERY popular with all the early Earache godheads, and I do mean ALL). In Speckmann's world though, the band was just playing crossover/hardcore. It's all a bit mindblowing really. The transfer is exceptional, and the choice of tracks well suits a 7"s inherent length. Speckmann oversaw the project apparently, and provided liner notes...but I'm still wondering why the demos were released in such a truncated form. The third demo is missing completely. This won't detract from YOUR enjoyment of this particular click, but from a wizarding standpoint it's just god-awful :p
Warfear - "Dig Your Own Grave" Demo 1989

Blood - "Spasmo Paralytic Dreams" Demo 1988

Varaus - "Requiem" CD 1996
Enter Varaus: a band that once notoriously recorded a single-sided LP with the most god-awful lack of packaging ever. A record that commands a 1,000 zenny coin on the SECOND pressing (Katz Seki owns the first pressing. My god!). Ya know, I'm trying desperately to rail against that pricing, but due to the band's historicity (VERY early on, we're talking 1982-1984) and adeptness at creating the type of punk/thrash I wrote about in the former paragraph, I'm finding it really hard to talk shit. This is the '96 Kraklund Records discography cd, and as you can see by the picture, the packaging was again keeping in line with Varaus' "we just don't give a shit" aesthetic. Supposedly the CD commands several hundred bucks now. Whether that's a true testament to Varaus' tunes, or collectors are just severely delusional is still beyond me...but I like Varaus, and I'm hoping you like them too. Fave track: "Rastat Rastat".
Swankys - "Lifestyle" 7" 1985

Japan's rousing answer to Sex Pistols...if they were minimalist...and Chaos U.K. Due to a slightly overlapping time frame with Swankys' own confusing formation, Pistols and earliest 'K were their predominant influences (comorbid with a healthy obsession for Chaotic Dischord's overall aesthetic, sonic or otherwise). The guitars are shrill (they're on the tingly end of braindrill, and not an all out h-bomb assault to hearing-as-a-concept), the songs roll around the deep and punchy bass, the well-mic'd drums speedily 1-2-beat and clunk on the toms with satisfactory efficiency, and Watch's ultra-engrish (and ultra-retarded) cloning of Johnny Rotten...somehow still works. I've always been at a loss WHY, but it the point where I could never picture Swankys with a legitimately capable singer. The production is professional too, almost spacious. It's undeniably a punk recording, but closer to the standards of, well, Chaos U.K. and Sex Pistols than the usually expected boombox-worship. As snooty as it sounds, this is an essential record. Swankys and Confuse are to blame for the over-saturation (in rediscovery I'm assuming) of "noisecore" the last few years, so you may as well start out with the originators of it all...and Confuse (they're a post for another time).
My rip, the other rip out there isn't in stereo (thereby ruining the effect of Watch's multi-tracked and hard-panned vocals), and lyrics included (for once)...
For all intents and purposes...
...this is Damaging Noise Part 2.
I finally regrew 1/8th a fuck to attempt sonic altruism again. I chose the blog's current name to distance myself mentally from a specific collector type, as well as to contemptuously mock other subhumans who can't seem to parse the difference between people and inanimate objects (or bodiless noises). I'm just straight up admitting it. I did make one major existential modification though...
I've always felt I existed at the periphery of punk and other underground scenes without ever fully tribing up. I've always been too nazi for the punks (GOOD!), too p.c. for metal, too jock for goth, and (ironically) too punk rock for hXc-techno. I just feel most comfortable now describing myself as a fan of underground music as a whole, instead of using highly specified labels that only limit my state of being. I know I'm not stating anything revolutionary (nor have I ever subscribed to silly notions of labels as a blanketing descriptor for one's entire existence), but I've had a dance with punk (specifically) over the decades. "It's Complicated."
As far as the downloads...
Same shit. Noisy hardcore, classic grind, death-industrial, hardcore-techno, strange soundtracks and other aural explorations...including punk...will be posted with equal aplomb. Expect power-lagging though, mixed with surprise E-P-I-C multi-posts. Bipolar rates of posted content are a "thing" with me, patience will be a virtue that will suit you well here.
SO! If you've got the ears, I've got the links...if you can hang with my terminal cynicism, I have a feeling you'll still enjoy this particular donkey show.
I finally regrew 1/8th a fuck to attempt sonic altruism again. I chose the blog's current name to distance myself mentally from a specific collector type, as well as to contemptuously mock other subhumans who can't seem to parse the difference between people and inanimate objects (or bodiless noises). I'm just straight up admitting it. I did make one major existential modification though...
I've always felt I existed at the periphery of punk and other underground scenes without ever fully tribing up. I've always been too nazi for the punks (GOOD!), too p.c. for metal, too jock for goth, and (ironically) too punk rock for hXc-techno. I just feel most comfortable now describing myself as a fan of underground music as a whole, instead of using highly specified labels that only limit my state of being. I know I'm not stating anything revolutionary (nor have I ever subscribed to silly notions of labels as a blanketing descriptor for one's entire existence), but I've had a dance with punk (specifically) over the decades. "It's Complicated."
As far as the downloads...
Same shit. Noisy hardcore, classic grind, death-industrial, hardcore-techno, strange soundtracks and other aural explorations...including punk...will be posted with equal aplomb. Expect power-lagging though, mixed with surprise E-P-I-C multi-posts. Bipolar rates of posted content are a "thing" with me, patience will be a virtue that will suit you well here.
SO! If you've got the ears, I've got the links...if you can hang with my terminal cynicism, I have a feeling you'll still enjoy this particular donkey show.
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